Home Remedies To Some Of The Common Diseases

Home Remedies To Some Of The Common Diseases


None of us wants to fall ill. Above that, we’re all lazy enough to visit the doctor for mere cold and headaches. There are several ways in which you can become your own doctor. All you need is some basic ingredients to make your medicine, and what’s best about these medicines is that they are all natural. Unlike antibiotics, they do not have any harmful side effects on your body. Instead, they treat additional problems side by side.

Here’s how you can treat few common problems easily at home.

  • Common Cold

Common Cold may have occurred to you due to change in weather conditions. To treat Cold, put warm water in a large bowl and add a Vicks Tablet into it. Sneak into a blanket and continuously inhale the steam for about 5-7 minutes. After doing so, cover yourself properly and lay down in the blanket for some time. The steam soothes the tissues of nose and throat and provides relief from Common Cold.

  • Cough

Coughing also happens due to change in weather conditions most of the time. You can make your own natural cough syrup at home! All you need to do is, take two tablespoons of honey, and mix it with one tablespoon of honey. Drink it along with some warm water. This will clear your throat and you will soon be relieved.

  • Stomach Ache

Stomach ache and indigestion can be results of poor eating habits and lack of water intake. To cure stomach ache, use Ginger. You can put ginger into your tea. Ginger has an antioxidant called ‘Gingerol’, which decreases the production of free radicals and neutralizes stomach acids.

  • Headache

Headaches can be caused due to stress, excessive sleep or lack of sleep. Again, Ginger is regarded as the ‘Elixir for headaches’. Ginger reduces inflammation of blood vessels in the head. Thus, Ginger tea will help you in this case too.

  • Acne

Flawless skin is something everyone wants. Acne are generally caused when pores get clogged with oil and dead skin cells. To treat Acne, apply Toothpaste on the affected area. Toothpaste dries the acne and absorbs excessive oil from the skin.

If this doesn’t suit your skin, you can use Lemon. Lemon fights with acne causing bacteria. Use cotton and apply lemon juice over your acne. Let it dry overnight and then wash off with lukewarm water in the morning. You Acne will be treated.

  • Dandruff

Dandruff occurs in the scalp when we take a lot of stress. Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with equal amount of lemon juice. Massage your scalp and let it rest for 20 minutes. At last, shampoo your hair properly for having a dandruff-free scalp.

  • Minor Burns

Minor burns are mostly caused due to cooking accidents. To treat them immediately, place the burned area under cold water for few minutes. After that, apply any aloe-vera lotion on the affected area. This will gradually treat the minor burn.

  • Hiccups

It’s surprising that hiccups are caused when misfired information from the brain gets stuck in a continuous loop. Unlike the cause, the remedy for hiccups is not at all complicated. All you need to do is swallow a tablespoon of sugar, or simply gargle for about 30 seconds. Your hiccups will vanish.

Interesting Fact: There’s a magic remedy that keeps you away from almost all of these common problems. Guess? Yes, it’s Water! Water is indeed the magic liquid.

Drinking a lot of water boosts metabolism and helps in proper breakdown of food. It treats dehydration and flushes out toxins from the body through sweat and urine. These were just a few. Our body requires excessive water to function properly.

So, increase your water intake immediately.



-Sakshi Aneja

“On the constant Mission of Wisdom Discovery. Philophile, Nyctophile and immensely Philozoic. Using my Pen to fill Life into the Plethora of my Thoughts, I am a Learner, a Music Lover and a Kid at Heart.”