Hungry All The Time?

Hungry All The Time?

Do you get hungry all the time? Like, even you’ve had the best food with a full on the tummy. This is normal, right? Feeling to eat something every other hour. Your brain tells you to eat, even when you’ve just had something heavy. Why does this happen? What can we do to avoid this?

  • Eat actual food, avoid processed foods

Hungry All The Time?

Eating processed foods leads to an unhealthy colon and a considerable amount of energy is wasted. Hence, you get hungry during this process. Also the preservatives harm in a long run.

  • Take food rich in fat and protein

Hungry All The Time?

Protein and fats are solid energy-providing foods. To not be hungry all the time, feed yourself with some good quantity of fats. Take milk in the mornings.

  • Go green. Eat vegetables

Hungry All The Time?

Eating green leafy vegetables enriches your blood and body with iron and minerals. So grasp those leaves.

  • Avoid excess sugar intake

Hungry All The Time?

Avoid the extra intake of sugars in your diet. Also, try to keep your diet clean with no caffeine.

  • Avoid Confectioneries. No artificial sweeteners.

Hungry All The Time?

Yeah, eating a lot of artificial sweeteners takes the toll of your diet and you are more prone to appetite. Limit candied sugars also milk solids.

  • When you eat, do it with full concentration(No Phones)

Hungry All The Time?

There’s this article making the rounds around the internet, about the duration of food intake. Having food for a considerable amount of time, makes you feel content. If you eat the same amount quickly, you’ll be hungry. It’s all about the time you give and concentrate on the stuff you eat. So eat in a concentrated manner.

  • Get enough sleep

Hungry All The Time?

Yes, have a good sleep. Majorly a problem among college students.

  • Drink lots of water

Hungry All The Time?

According to some famous health journals, mankind today is not drinking water the way it’s meant to be. Click this!

Eat good, play well and drink more. Water, obviously! : )