LPU’s New Academic Session 2020-21 commenced from 10th August

LPU’s New Academic Session 2020-21 commenced from 10th August


Following all mandates as ordained worldwide to be safe against COVID 19 pandemic, LPU has commenced its new academic session 2020-21 from 10th August 2020. For this, LPU has developed a unique online education Tool- myclass.lpu.in to provide easy cybernetic classes beyond any complexities. University has decided that the education for the students should not stop, and it is important that the session should begin on time. LPU Chancellor Mr Ashok Mittal welcoming all the new entrants mentioned that in March 2020, when the lockdown was announced in the country, the education fraternity had commended LPU in ensuring the continuity of education through online mode. LPU has set very high standard Pre-COVID time and it was important to continue with the standards that have been followed. LPU has also invested hugely in creating new technology infrastructure to ensure quality education.

Chancellor Mr Mittal added, “Our online classes will provide students with LPU’s finest education through the best educators & advisers at the university.” He further shared: “This year, too, we have a very large number of students joining beyond northern Indian boundaries from all Indian states including Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Telangana and Kerala.” He affirms that it is a positive word of mouth that students and parents have shown their trust in LPU education, and thousands of students have taken admission from all across India and the world.

University admission officials also mentioned that the admission for the 2020 batch would be closing shortly. For many of the postgraduate Agriculture programs it has already completed. The last deadline to apply for admission at LPU with scholarship is 31st July 2020.

Speaking about the ‘Online Tool’, Dr Navdeep Dhaliwal, Head for Division of Academic Affairs at LPU, mentioned that the online Education tool of LPU has been developed keeping students’ diverse needs in mind. The tool will have different easy features like the schedule of classes, along with time-table, attendance, practicals, laboratories etc. Through ‘Presenter Tools’, faculty members will be in touch with students for lectures, assignments and related lab tasks. To track the in-between session missing defaulter students, there will be online pooling questions to be answered on the spur for checking students’ online presence.

University has also planned a very elaborate ‘Freshmen Induction Program’ where new students would be provided with all information and instructions on the university system, and also be trained on how to use the online tools most effectively. The Induction program for ‘New Students’ will be in different batches from 3rd August onwards up till 20th August 2020, batch-wise.

Induction program for each batch will be for six-days with 23 activities. This program will also include 5 cultural sessions, where a student will participate online as per his/her individual talent-taste and temperament. Senior students are also part of the induction program to welcome and guide the fresher-students. Also, various dignitaries from industry are to talk with the students.