LPU Faculty Published A Patent On Entropy Based Image Retrieval Method

LPU Faculty Published A Patent On Entropy Based Image Retrieval Method

Dr ravi

Dr. Ravichandran, Associate Professor in Chemistry from School of Mechanical Engineering has published a patent on ENTROPY BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL METHOD FOR FAST RETRIEVING OF IMAGES”.

The main objective of this image retrieval system is to retrieve the images quickly using the feature entropy. The images are retrieved from the database without using entropy values initially.

His patent is published here. This patent focuses on mining images from a large collection of images using the unique feature which is identified and extracted from the images.

Dr. Ravichandran, expressed his sincere gratitude to the Lovely Professional University, the HOS (SME) Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh and the HOD Prof. Ashish Kumar for their encouragement and constant support.