LPU Faculty’s Paper in Prestigious Elsevier Journal


Dr. Shahid Ul Islam (Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional University) has had his paper for Small Hydro Projects (SHP) published in prestigious “Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier)”.

Details of the journal can be obtained from the following websites:

http://www.journals.elsevier.com/renewable-and-sustainable-energy-reviews/  &


Paper Abstract :

Inflatable dams for small hydro power (SHP) projects

This study is an attempt to study the rubber dam technology for application in SHP (small hydro power) development in India. Inflatable weirs, also known as rubber dams are flexible elliptical structures made of rubberized material attached to a rigid concrete base and inflated by air, water, or combination of air and water. The experience of inflatable dams in India is very limited as there are only three installations so far. Use of inflatable weir for diverting water in hydropower projects has not been experienced in India till date even though worldwide over 4,000 installations exist and more than 10 manufacturers offer this type of weir. The primary use of three existing inflatable dams in India has been for irrigation and recreation. Rubber dam can be used as diversion weir for hydropower projects in India. The results show that use of rubber dam for SHP projects is not only cost effective but also energy efficient. Annual cost of both Indian rubber dam as well as imported rubber dam is less than other conventional types of weirs.

The paper can be obtained through the following link:
