LPU is Organizing “African Football Championship” for Its International Students

LPU is Organizing “African Football Championship” for Its International Students

LPU is Organizing

Club20 at Lovely Professional University is organizing “African Football Championship” in collaboration with Pan Africa Soccer Academy (PAN SCO) in the campus. Club20 is a student club at LPU that organizes various sports and gaming events. Organizing an event for international students of LPU in collaboration with an international organization is a big achievement for the club.

LPU is Organizing "African Football Championship" for Its International Students

The opening ceremony of the games was held on 8th September 2018 where all the teams, their members and captains joined and also took the oath. Director General of Lovely Professional University, Er. H.R. Singla inaugurated the ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided by Head of Division of Student Welfare Dr Saurabh Lakhanpal and Head of Department, Dr V. Kaul. Dr. Saurabh Lakhanpal appreciated the enthusiasm of the players and the efforts made by Club20 to organize an ‘international level sporting event. He urged the players to play fair with sportsman spirit.

The opening ceremony will now be followed by a round of matches between the participating teams, Black Stars, The Indominable Lions, Taifa Stars, Chipolopolo (Copper Bullets), Ocean Stars and, Riverians De La Mer Rogue. All the members and participants have proved that though they are divided by nations yet they are united by football. It was a commendable initiative by the CEO, Osman King Nkosi of Pan Africa SCO. Club20 was and will be constantly supportive in the management of this ceremony and also the football league. It was overall a spectacular and remarkable event and still, there are many more to come.

There are many student clubs in LPU run under the aegis of Division of Student Welfare. They give an opportunity to students with similar interests and motives to come together, share views and achieve more in their life. Pan Africa SCO and Club20 are two such student organizations under whose purview this grand football championship is being organized.