Mythbuster – 1


In this era, where how you look counts more than your inner beauty, and information is as plentiful and contradictory as opinions, confusion is only natural. I could ask you to Google the central preoccupation of this article, but  that won’t be fair, since the internet will probably leave  you more distressed and confused than you were to begin with. So I will take upon myself a mission to destroy some myths or confusions.

I’ll start with the most widely believed myth of all – that weight loss is equal to physical fitness. Seriously! Women going on the 7 day or whatever diet, take a friendly suggestion, STOP torturing yourself. You are not a piece of meat, you are human. Start respecting your body and stop pitting yourself against foolish beauty standards. And really, who is going to find a hungry, grouchy person attractive? Eat nutritious food on a regular basis, and indulge those taste buds, once in a while too. We only live once, why be miserable?

Those who just perform crunches thinking they will gain a flat, Shilpa Shetty like stomach, please know that you are concentrating only on one, or at max two parts of your body. This leads to the rest of the body being ignored. Go for a holistic fitness regime instead. Do some yoga, throw in a little cardio. A healthy body is more than a taut abdomen. And, believe me, it is absolutely OK if you don’t have a flat tummy to flaunt whenever you wear a crop top or saree or lehenga.  

Love yourself, and laugh a lot, you’ll radiate joy and look far more attractive than a self conscious, starved, stressed shadow of yourself. Also remember, “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”.  If you don’t find yourself beautiful, then you are looking wrong. Fix that vision, pronto.