Novel Writing Month

Novel Writing Month


“This fall let your imagination rain!”

We’re all full of new stories, each of us has our own way to narrate…but we never seem to find the time to accomplish it, do we? There is always too much work to do, the mood isn’t right, the story isn’t there yet, or we just don’t feel good enough to carry it out. Well, Thoughts like these are the reasons why some of the most influential books in history never got written, and procrastination is a terminator of creativity. Favourably, this month is the official Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo is your opportunity to bring out your inner wordsmith!

Novel Writing Month encourages everyone to take this one month of the year to try their hand at the art of storytelling. NaNoWriMo has a flourishing and supportive community of people who motivate each other and offer encouragement and inspiration to propel the creative attempt.

The whole significance of NaNoWriMo is writing. It gives you the opportunity to write your heart out. It could be an experience that turned your life, or a fantasy that never got to be fulfilled, or maybe a super sci-fi as an inspiration of your all-time favourite series. It is the best time to discover such an idea out of your head and start writing for this entire month of November. The objective is to get 50,000 words down on the page by the end of the month! Don’t let November go by without taking your biggest novel idea and turning it into a reality!