The institutions of higher learning in India are facing crucial challenges in creating, nurturing and maintaining the level of quality research. The need of the hour is to develop a sound methodological base of research among the budding educationists and researchers to cope up with future challenges. A good research methodology is key to sound research output. To operationalize this vision, there is a need to train, reorient and reactivate the faculty members and research scholars on research methodology in this context Short Term Course on Research Methodology and Data Analysis commenced on July 26, 2021. The Short Term Course was organized by School of Physical Education and Human Resource Development Center (HRDC).
Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Associate Dean, Head – Human Resource Development Center (HRDC) welcomed the Chief Guest Prof.(Dr.) D. Buddhi, Executive Dean, Division of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Lovely Professional University, Co-Convener Dr. Pavitar Prakash Singh, Professor, Associate Dean and Head School of Humanities, LPU, Resource Panel and applauded 90+ participants from 36 universities and colleges representing 26 states of India.

The importance of strong fundamentals of research methodology and hands on experience of usage of data analysis software was emphasized upon. The course learning outcomes, key contents and assessment scheme were explained. The participants were encouraged to keep pace with latest developments in research methodology. Dr. Ahuja appreciated the rigorous efforts of Program Coordinators Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor, and Head Dept. of Faculty Development, HRDC, LPU, Dr. Neelam Sharma, Professor and Head Department of Physical Education, LPU and Mr. Sunil Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, LPU and Ms. Sushma, Assistant, Department of Faculty Development, HRDC, LPU
Prof.(Dr.) D. Buddhi, Executive Dean, Division of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Lovely Professional University, in his inaugural address emphasized the fact that research should be meaningful, problem solving and contributing towards the community and environment. He also congratulated the HRDC for organizing series of research based courses for both academia and industry personnel.
Dr. Pavitar Prakash Singh, Professor & Associate Dean, Lovely Professional University, in his introductory address stressed that the process of data analysis uses analytical and logical reasoning to gain information from the data. The main purpose of data analysis is to find meaning in data so that the derived knowledge can be used to make informed decisions. He appreciated the combined efforts done by School of Physical Education and Human Resource Development Center, LPU
Dr. Vishal Sarin, Professor and HOD- Deptt. of Economics, Mittal School of Business in his opening session introduced the research methodology and explained the fundamentals of research with relevant and logical examples.
Dr. Lokesh Jasrai, Associate Professor and Head- Dept. of Marketing, Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, focused on addressing societal challenges from research perspective; he deliberated upon techniques of hypothesis formulation and hypothesis testing. Participants were assigned practical exercises as DIY tasks for experiential learning.