Short Term Course on Scientific Writing & Communication

Short Term Course on Scientific Writing & Communication


May 25 to June 01, 2021

Summary Report

The Short-Term Course on Scientific Writing & Communication got off to a great start on May 25, 2021. The course received participation of sixty delegates from diverse backgrounds representing 18 institutions from 10 States of India. The participants included faculty members, research scholars and corporate personnel.

The Course Convener Prof. (Dr.) Monica Gulati, Senior Dean, Lovely Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences gave insights on the objective of this short-term course and its format designed to address the gaps in achieving excellence in scientific writing and communication. She advised the participants to translate the learning of the course into high impact publications. She remarked that each designated subject matter expert had proven track record and mastery on the topic.

In her opening remarks, Co-Convener and Head Human Resource Development Center, Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Associate Dean welcoming the participants shared the course flow and the bandwidth in terms of topics and content. She revealed that the entire resource panel had very thoughtfully designed the course flow and the pedagogy that would be experiential, learner driven and instructor mentored.

The opening session was taken by none other than the Co-convener and Senior Dean, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. Monica Gulati. She laid the context, spelled the guided the why of research and how to carry it to its logical culmination. Her charismatic style made an instant connect with the participants.

Session 2 focusing on the selection of journal with appropriate Impact factor was the ideal pick up from where Dr. Monica Gulati left. Dr. Devesh Tiwari, the subject matter expert shared the choicest of links that could be the ideal academic resource bank for the participants. Using an aesthetically appealing presentation he engrossed the participants with insightful inputs.

Session 3, the last one for the day, saw Dr. Suresh Mani COD, Associate Professor, Physiotherapy Department shared his immense experience dwelling on how to carry effective Literature Review, Inclusion and sequencing of authors based on their roles.  His discussion leading technique and eliciting questions kept the learning a two-way process and engaged the participants in a purposeful dialogue. The day ended with Coordinator, Dr. Bimlesh Kumar rolling out the assignment and debriefing the expectations. He also thanked the resource panel, redefining the Course Flow, assessment process and resource sharing mode.

The subsequent sessions on each day focused on hands on and demonstrative delivery covering the relevant topics like: Preparation of title and abstract of manuscript by Dr. Monica Gulati, Preparation of Experimental Design, Discussion and conclusion by Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh on Day 2.

Day 3, the essence was on Graphical abstract& Image representation, by Dr. Arun Sharma, norms of reproduction of data from other journals by Dr. Bhupinder Kapoor and Use of Design of Experiment in research by Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh. The following day, thrust was on Compilation of discussion and future directions in a review article by Dr. Vijay Mishra, Response to the reviewer’s comments by Dr. Monica Gulati and Inter- and intra-departmental collaborations by Dr. Navneet Khurana. The next day topics covered Use of animals in research and Questionnaire based research delivered by Dr. Bimlesh Kumar and Dr. Biplab Pal. The area of focus on Day 6 was on Statistical tools in research by Dr. Ashish Suttee, Leveraging research by Dr. Pranav Kumar Prabhakar and Systematic review and Cochrane review by Dr. Awanish Mishra. The last day was devoted to Guidance on SCOPUS/WOS/SCI Journals and Predatory Journals by Dr. Sheetu. The valedictory session conducted by Dr. Amit Mittal where in feedback and the assessment results were shared.

The course ended on a perfect note with participants vying for more of such workshops. The external participants unanimously gave the verdict: “Never before experience’ in terms of organizing and conduct. Mr. Sarabjit Singh Kwatra Deputy Dean, Human Resource Development Center, the course coordinator thanked the participants and assured that such initiatives would be taken up frequently with efforts to raise the bar every time and match stakeholder expectations. Dr. Monica Gulati, Senior Dean and head of Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, announcing the best 5 top scorers, lauded the proactive participation of all participants and stated that very soon a re-run of the short term course would be done so that those participants who could get a seat in the concluded course could join and benefit. She also thanked Team HRDC for playing a pivotal coordinating role. Thanking the peer resource panel, she said that it was a very satisfying learning experience for her also. The course ended by the concluding remarks of HRDC Coordinator, Mr. Sarabjit Singh Kwatra, Deputy Dean and vote of thanks by Dr. Bimlesh Kumar, School Coordinator. A benchmark course!