Tags Bangladesh

Tag: Bangladesh

LPU organised the International Students’ Graduation Day 2024

LPU hosted an International Students’ Graduation Day-2024 at the Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium for the international students. The ceremony served as a grand...
Ambassador of Bangladesh inaugurated Bangabandhu Corner at

Ambassador of Bangladesh inaugurated Bangabandhu Corner at LPU

Marking the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation of Bangladesh-Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 'Bangabandhu Corner' was established at the multi-storeyed...
High Commissioner of Bangladesh to India His Excellency Muhammad Imran visited LPU

High Commissioner of Bangladesh to India His Excellency Muhammad Imran visited...

The High Commissioner of Bangladesh to India His Excellency Muhammad Imran visited LPU. Ambassador Imran is presently the chief diplomatic representative of...

LPU NCC Cadets participated in Youth Exchange Programme, Bangladesh

We are enthralled to announce that three of our National Cadet Corps - LPU NCC Cadets participated in the Youth Exchange Programme in Bangladesh. Our...

LPU’s Research Scholar awarded Travel Grant to attend International Conference on...

LPU's Research Scholar presents his work at an international stage! Mr. Agnibha Das Majumdar from the Department of Physics was awarded a travel grant to attend and participate in the...

Successful Opening of Bangladesh Alumni Meet Chapter

Lovely Professional University has constantly kept the spirits high by conducting various Alumni Meets around the globe. We are happy to share that the first-ever Bangladesh Alumni Chapter...