Tackling Depression

Feeling blue

Today’s young generation often uses the terms depression and insomnia. These have become trendy diseases which everyone is proud to be suffering from. From Facebook posts to Whatsapp statuses, they publicly declare themselves to be suffering from a disease about which they have little knowledge or in many cases no information at all. But among those also lie some youngsters who silently and genuinely undergo depression due to various factors in their lives. 

As scientists have already proved that today’s teenagers have the mental stress level of those who were at asylums in 1950s, it is important for everyone to take a serious look at this matter. Today’s life has become so hectic and fast that this generation has become mechanized, living in a system out of which some emerge with flying colors but many often fall prey to.

This is a shout out to everyone out there who is suffering from depression. Don’t let this disease overpower you. You are strong and talented. Never compare yourself with anyone else as to you it may seem he/she is better than you but you may be more talented than him/her in many other ways. Whenever you feel low, speak your heart out to someone who really cares for you. It may be your parents, family members, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend or anyone you feel like talking. I know you often feel like there is no one to talk to and bottle things up inside. That results in more suffocation. Let it out in any form, be it music, art, dance, meditation etc. Meditation goes a long way in helping you restore your mental peace.

Everyone must try their level best to support each other in times of need. Dear parents, please don’t force your children to pursue your dreams but ask them to follow theirs. All the bhais, dostos and besties, don’t let your friends fall into this deep pit from where there is no coming back. And last but the most important, You, each one of You are Special in many ways. Never consider yourself as inferior or weak. No one is an expert at everything, everyone is learning and making mistakes.

Breathe, live, enjoy being you, because ‘Zindagi na milegi dobara’.

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Hello there! I am a Sophomore at LPU with honours in Journalism and Mass Communication. I am on a journey to explore all the corners of the human world and maybe someday beyond it. I have a zeal for communications, be it writing, interacting with people through mediums like radio, television, etc. I also have a passion for photography and have a knack for something new always.