LPU Trains Government School Teachers of 15 Nearby Villages

LPU Trains Government School Teachers of 15 Nearby Villages


Participant teachers found the new teaching styles discussed very useful and said these would help develop their students at par with their urban counterparts. 

LPU prides itself on its social responsibility initiatives and events. One such event was the one day workshop-cum-teacher orientation program organized by LPU School of Education30 teachers from 15 Government Senior Secondary/High Schools participated in the event. They came from the villages of Bhullarai, Sahni, Mehtan, Madhopur, Mauli, Khajurla, Baghana, Maheru, Jagatpur Jattan, Athouli, Nangal Majha, Harbanspur, Chaheru, and rural areas of Phagwara-1 & 2.

HOD School of Education, Dr. Mihir Mallick introduced the participant teachers to various new assessment tools; LPU Asst. Prof. Dr. Kundan Singh presented valuable inputs on ‘learner centered pedagogies’ whereas, Prof. Harbhajan Singh Saini touched issues related to quality education. DEO Secondary Education (Kapurthala), S Gurbhajan Singh motivated teachers to establish coordination between their academic and non-academic responsibilities. LPU Director General Er HR Singla urged teachers to train students to be morally sound as well as intellectualy sharp.

Talking about the workshop, LPU Chancellor Mr Ashok Mittal said, “Thsi one day training program was to pass on updated knowledge, teaching styles, new tools and pedagogies to the village teachers so that they may share these with their students. The underlying aim here is to prepare for advantageous changes in 21st century education to further meet global challenges.”

A few days ago, HRD Minister Smiriti Irani visited LPU on its Founders’ Day where she appreciated that LPU for adopting 10 nearby villages to bringing about all round awareness and development, a vision shared by the present Government. The teachers’ training worshop was organised with the same aim and is in sync with other development work undertaken at the adopted villages. LPU volunteer students and teachers either visit villages or the villagers are invited at the campus for guidance, health/physiotherapy check-ups, awareness programs and more.

Jyoti Pathak (Phagwara), Sital Kumar (Bhullarai), Balwinder Kumar (Madhopur), Joginder Pal (Mauli), teachers who participated in the workshop said that such trainings were necessary to keep them abreast of the latest trends in education. They found the new teaching styles discussed very useful and said these would help develop their students at par with their urban counterparts.