Wake Me to the Calm of Summer Vacation

Wake Me to the Calm of Summer Vacation

Summer vacation

As another semester is winding down and we are returning from the exam halls to finish up packing and take off for home, we are all feeling similar things. We are relieved as it is almost over because we worked and worked for the entire semester to take exams for passing the semester. If you didn’t have this long break to look forward to, chances are that getting through the semester could have been much more difficult than it was. Being a college student, the sight of the finish line is mesmerising after expecting to be in this position for the long while. It is definitely one of the best feelings that every college student experiences.

Making over the final examinations was one of the biggest hurdles. Not every student glides through them with a confident face. We sometimes get scared and anxious remembering the fact that our knowledge and expertise in our chosen field of study is being tested. Disappointment and failure are constant fears we face. It is like the wall we shall climb to get to the other side where are summer flair rests in warmth and comfort of home.

Summer vacation

As exciting as it is to leave the college and make way towards family, the friends back at college are hard to leave. We want to share the happiness of semester break with them, only to remember that they are far and with their loved ones too. This feeling doesn’t settle and not missing them is impossible. Remembering the memories with the friends-turned-family at college, it’s like you mention them in every word you speak to your parents. It’s the heart settling for their absence by speaking of them as they are just sitting next to you.

Summer vacation

Now, the familiar environment absorbs in. We get to see our family, parents and the place where we probably grew up. The good things become great when there is food and quality time with the loved ones as days fly by catching up with them about the happenings of your life. The comfort of sleeping in your own bed, inhaling the same fragrance you’ve remembered since childhood, sleeping and waking up whenever you want and most importantly refocusing your mind after analyzing how far you’ve come in life.