When there is Much in the Window but Nothing in the Room

When there is Much in the Window but Nothing in the Room


“We’ve been all the way to the moon and back but still we have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbour! ”-Dalai Lama  

Somehow we have terribly misunderstood the idea of success and we have started measuring it in the number of accolades we collect or the bank balance we can boast of.

When did this happen? When did material acquisitions become so important that we started collecting them instead of making and nurturing relationships? When was the last time we did nothing but simply have fun with friends or lose ourselves in the contemplation of something beautiful – when was the last time we experienced joy?

Today in our frantic chase of mundane materialistic things, we often fail to understand that some things simply can’t be substituted. We can never buy a loyal friend or the  unconditional love of a child. Sure, everyone needs material comfort and posessions that denote success, but it all goes wrong when we start defeating the whole purpose of achieving them. We are only making our windows appear all full with worldly success while we’ve slowly but surely emptied the room that is our life of all that was important.

Perhaps it’s time we realize the real worth of things and set our priorities right, because one day when all is said and done that last flash before our eyes won’t be the money we made but the people we loved and memeories they gave us.