”Patience takes us towards victory at the end, especially when we combine it with the right effort, faithfully.” Sudhir Mohanty

In this age of computers when everything is moving fast, youngsters always look for instant results. This culture of instant gratification is leading to a lack of patience, an attitude of giving up and getting disappointed easily, which in turn is causing a spike in the number of cases of depression. A little faith and some patience can go a long way in getting us the success we want.

Bhaskar Rathinam says, “From experience, I have seen that people are of different types – people without ambition, people with ambition but with doubts, confusions and lack of clarity or purpose; and lastly, people with ambition, clarity consistent effort, but without patience. Finally, there are people who combine patience with all these positive traits. They are the ones who get results at an appropriate time. If we assess what category we are in, we can have peace of mind, and know what we are. “

For success, we need both enthusiasm and patience. The greatest art lies in combining these two qualities together. If we do not have enthusiasm, nothing will ever happen, but if we do not have faith, we will give up when we do not get immediate results. Real success in our life lies in our attitude. An attitude of faith that we are doing the right things and that in due time the right results will come.