Women’s Day special talk show with Komal Dixit

Women’s Day special talk show with Komal Dixit

Women’s Day special talk show with Komal Dixit

“Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.”

On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, the Department of Student Organizations, under the aegis of the Division of Youth Affairs, Student welfare wing, LPU organized an interactive live session with Komal Dixit. She is the founder of India’s growing women community Classy woman having 1.1 Million+ followers and an Instagram growth coach.

She started her Instagram page randomly while doing her graduation. Her sole aim was that she wanted women to become ambitious. From the very start, everyone should be ambitious. Whenever she saw her friends singing, dancing, and doing things they’re good at, she often wondered what she liked doing, and being on social media was something that made her truly happy. She also added that the only way to grow on Instagram is consistency. She started her page to raise awareness about body-shaming and other social issues. Through her page, she wanted to spread self-love among women who are often bashed for many things by society.

Women’s Day special talk show with Komal Dixit

When she started handling social media, no one from her surroundings supported her work. Earlier people used to question her but after being financially independent, the criticism has decreased. Education is an important milestone of women’s empowerment. Social evils can only be fought with this important tool, education. She also added that social media has a deep impact on our minds. You should use social media in a smart way as the content you consume affects your minds. It is important to set your priorities straight. During college, she kept academics as her topmost priority. There should be a balance between everything.

Through her Instagram account, she learned about its algorithm through experimenting. Starting with doing various experiments, she now is also an Instagram coach where she teaches people about the proper ways to grow here for specific niches. She takes inspiration from every woman around her. Every woman who’s trying to achieve their goals and working towards them or has achieved them is an inspiration for her. Her favorite quote is “Little girls with dreams become women with vision.” There will always be people who criticize you and appreciate you, what you need to do is accept it positively and keep doing your work. The final message she gave to vertos was to explore and find your passion. Do your best in whatever you do. You’ll find many reasons to be sad or overthink but overcome these feelings and be happy and love yourself.

To go through this illuminating live session held on Women’s Day, click on the link given below: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ca179VMJCdm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link