Workshop on ASM Culture of Responsibility

Workshop on ASM Culture of Responsibility

Workshop on ASM Culture of Responsibility

School of Bio Engineering and Biosciences and Human Resource Development Center, Lovely Professional University are organizing “ASM Culture of Responsibility Workshop” from 5th May to 7th May 2018. The workshop will provide an overview of the principles of laboratory biological safety, biosecurity, and the responsible conduct of research. The workshop, developed by leaders in the field, includes video-based lectures, group discussion and exercises. Participants will gain tools to identify, assess, and mitigate risks for the betterment of science and those in our community.

Learning Outcomes

Overview of the principles of laboratory biological safety, biosecurity, and the responsible conduct of research.

Who Can Attend

The workshop will be useful for Early carrier faculty members, Research Scholars, Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Medical Laboratory Technology.

Resource Person

Dr. Gaurav Kumar is currently working as Assistant Professor at School of Bioengineering and Biosciences, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India. He has completed his doctorate degree from VIT University, Tamil Naidu, India.

How To Register

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: As a new user, enter your particulars to Register/Create an Account

Step 3: For Course Details click on “View brochure” in the “Courses available”.

Step 4: Login to your account created at the time of Registration. If already registered, you can directly Login and access your account.

Step 5: Click on “Register” to register for the desired course available on the Home page.

Step 6: Select the appropriate participant group for registration. If Research Scholar, attach proof of Registration in M.Phil. or Ph.D. Program. If student, attach student ID card.

Step 7: Select the Payment mode and make payment accordingly.


Online certificate will be issued by ASM after the completion of Workshop. Participation certificates will be awarded subject to meeting participation criteria i.e.100% attendance and Post Training Evaluation.