Labour of Love


“Never take for granted what you have, because others struggle just to get part of what you may have.”

This was inspired by a lady whom I saw picking rice in the scorching summer heat, carrying a little boy on her back.

As human beings, we get so comfortable with what we have that we forget that we need to work hard each and every day to make sure that we don’t lose it. We take everything for granted, thinking that we will have what we have for eternity.

Take students for example, some young people think that school or university is a place to play around without giving a thought to study. They forget that some people would kill for the privilege of getting a grade 12 certificate. They feel that their parents will provide for them all their lives and forget that loss eventually happens to everyone. We never know when our providers will no longer be able to provide for us anymore and we don’t even seem to care, because all we know is selfishness.

Some people hold back because of their disability to do certain things, yet there are so many people with the same or even worse disabilities who fend for themselves without help from the able bodied. 

Some disable their minds and beg their way to what they need. If they made an effort,  they would be able to discover what they are talented at to make ends meet, but the disability called laziness brainwashes them with the thought of getting things faster, and with lesser effort.

Some people feel certain jobs are beneath their standard, yet they don’t do anything to remedy the situation. Everyone begins somewhere. Others maybe better off than us, but hard work will get us there eventually.

We must never take for granted what we have and we must learn to fight the urge to be lazy and complacent. It is an insult to those who work hard to provide for us, and those others out there who toil relentlessly for the people they love.