3 Easy Ways to Chase Away the Blues

3 Easy Ways to Chase Away the Blues


We all feel low, every once in awhile. Untreated these blues can really drag us down. By treatment, I don’t mean psychiatrists and pills but everyday measures to lift the spirits up. So here goes..

  1. Talk to someone close: Pick up the phone or go talk to someone you be yourself with. Sharing your thoughts with people who are close to you can lighten your heart.  

  2. Do something that interests you: Whether you love singing, dancing, painting or any recreational activity, do it when feeling low. It will soothe and relax you.  

  3. Dig into your favorite food: Grab a bite of your favorite comfort food. That kind of instant happiness is sure to elevate your mood.

So the next time you are feeling low or stressed, just follow the above steps. Better mood guaranteed.