Debunking the Malpractices of Shivratri

A Hindu holy man, or sadhu, smeared with ashes smokes marijuana in a chillum during the Shivaratri festival on the premises of Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal, March 7, 2016. Hindu holy men from Nepal and India come to this temple to take part in the Maha Shivaratri festival. Celebrated by Hindu devotees all over the world, Shivaratri is dedicated to Lord Shiva, and holy men mark the occasion by praying, smoking marijuana or smearing their bodies with ashes. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Shivratri is a Hindu festival celebrated every year on the 13th or 14th day of the month Phagun as per the Indian Lunar Calendar, which on the Gregorian Calendar would be somewhere in the later half of the month of February. 

There are varied reasons given by different individuals and groups regarding why Shivratri is celebrated. They range from Lord Shiva’s birth to Shiva drinking poison at the ‘Samudra Manthan’ to save everyone. Devotees pay their homage to Lord Shiva in form of milk, bhaang etc. However in recent times people have been taking wrong advantage of Shivratri and indulging unsocial activities.

Anti-social elements or misguided, bored individuals use Shivratri as an excuse to consume liquor, smoke cannabis, and partake of drugs. They often respond to criticism by saying “If Lord Shiva used such substances, why shouldn’t we?” Well, I’m certain Lord Shiva never asked any of his devotees to indulge themselves in any such activities. If a person has true devotion to God, he/she should abstain from such malpractices altogether. If we think it out logically we will realize that by indulging in such activities we are not just ruining our personal reputation but also maligning our religion’s image.

So if you really have deep devotion to Lord Shiva, just help other people like he did when he consumed poison to save everyone without thinking about himself.

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Hello there! I am a Sophomore at LPU with honours in Journalism and Mass Communication. I am on a journey to explore all the corners of the human world and maybe someday beyond it. I have a zeal for communications, be it writing, interacting with people through mediums like radio, television, etc. I also have a passion for photography and have a knack for something new always.