Wandering the Campus – 4


In the picture above, is what I call the ‘Judai’ post.

Just a regular post by day, this point is the LoC for couples in the evening. It witnesses the most heartfelt goodbyes when it is time for girls to return to their hostels and guys are no longer allowed to step beyond this point. The security tightens, clocks ticks faster, conversations get longer, and the air gets sweeter, laden with forlorn partings and promises to meet the next day.

To enjoy this view, come to this post near block 25 at 10 mins to curfew. Besides the fond farewells, you will witness the phenomenon of ‘Palat’ between this post and the next. The sight of the guys waiting for the many shy, over-the-shoulder smiles from their ladies and the girls turning to take one last look at their significant others…well, it could move Neruda to poetry. 

If you have ever been a part of these goodbyes you know the feeling that rushes over you whenever you cross it. Wow.. I might break into a sonnet myself!