The Big Debate: Practical Knowledge V/S Theoretical Knowledge

The Big Debate: Practical Knowledge V/S Theoretical Knowledge


We have always been engaging in the never-ending debate of whether one should prioritize the practical knowledge first or the theoretical knowledge. Contradicting thoughts revolving around the two are not strange or new. We have always been trying to find which one is better, and which one is not. We all know that this dissension might never end but then, we can still try to find some answers from the hidden conversations.

When it comes to knowledge, we have various ways of acquiring it. These modus operandi(s) include books, lectures, seminars, webinars, events, competitions and even schooling. Amongst these, few lie in the category of theoretical knowledge and others under practical knowledge. People tend to prefer practical knowledge over the theoretical, but then we have to understand that if there was no book, how could you have known about Einstein’s inventions and theories, right?

The debate is not about which one is more cardinal in nature. Actually, the debate is about which of these two is of more use than the other.

Without theoretical knowledge, you cannot drive a car and without a practical experience, you’ll end up failing horribly. Explaining in a very facile language, theoretical knowledge provides you with all the answers in relation to ‘why’, and practical knowledge tends to aware you about ‘how’.   

Both are prominent at their own instances and neglecting one could lead to drastic failure in the other. Theory provides you the apt information about the experiences of others and practical knowledge helps you build your own experiences.

To simplify the topic, there is no theoretical knowledge or practical one, it’s all about formal education and self-learning. Hard knowledge and soft knowledge, both are like two distant beaches, it is you who has to find and build a strong bridge between the both.  

As quoted by the great Yogi Berra, “In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is”. And also, “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice and practice is never possible without a deep knowledge”, as said by Anton Chekhov. We all have to find a balance between the two else, the debate is of no use and has no end.