Millennials: A New Generation or A Paradox

Millennials: A New Generation or A Paradox


Today’s generation has changed” is a very common phrase which you can hear many times in families, news, etc. The question arises who we are referring to as ‘today’s generation’ and how it has changed!

Dawn of the Millennials

Millennials or Generation Y consists of persons born between 1981 to 1996 (according to the threshold set by Pew Research centre) and is our so-called today’s generation (in union with generation Z).

Let’s talk about the characteristics of this young generation cohort and its part in society.

Boon of the New Generation


This generation is driven by the motive to do something unique in life and make their place in this world. No doubt this generation has a far greater number of thinkers, so this generation questions everything and everyone, and will try to change the course of the world like never before. The results are the boom of smartphones, the concept of the digital and automated world, etc.


When there is a change we need people to understand, embrace, and apply that change so that change can survive and evolve. This is exactly a characteristic of this generation whether it comes to learning new technology or accept any social change. Putting the pieces together we have to say, “This generation is going to lay the foundation of the 21st century.”

A Paradox

Although a boon, this generation is often a soft target and being blamed for a variety of reasons. It seems we like them and at the same time, we don’t like them thus making this generation a paradox. Some of these reasons are:

  • They are quite often criticized for their negligence and questioning the culture, values, and teachings which their forefathers have preserved for centuries. Their tendency to live life their own way is considered a threat to the fabric and very order of society (more prevalent in orthodox societies and countries).
  • Due to inadequate communication between millennials and older generations, they are many-a-times framed as irresponsible, narcissistic, ignorant, etc. While there may be a lot of explanations for the above problem but the fact is that this problem leads to the loss of guidance for millennials and loss of chance to evolve for our ripened generation.
  • It is also being feared that their experimental tendencies and non-ending needs will ultimately have to be paid at the cost of human existence. No fix line or parameter separates the end of human need from the start of human greed.

It is evident that this generation is exciting while at the same time it may have some issues, rest assured “slowly and steady millennials are taking the charge”.