Her Excellency Mrs Anisa Kapufi Mbega, the High Commissioner of the United Republic of Tanzania to India visited Lovely Professional University to meet and interact with hundreds of Tanzanian students studying at LPU campus. She was greeted by LPU Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal, Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Sanjay Modi and Dean Student Welfare Dr Sorabh Lakhanpal.
While addressing the students of Tanzania at LPU, Her Excellency Anisa Mbega shared that LPU provided them with a great platform, and now it’s their turn to be catalysts for the goodness of all other students and citizens of the world. Talking about little job opportunities available around, nowadays, she advised them to be innovative in creating their ventures for themselves and to accommodate others as well.

Hundreds of Tanzanian students passing out in 2022, and others still continuing with their studies at LPU are, now, ready to face the world as its true global citizens. In order to bid a blissful adieu to outgoing Tanzanian students; student organization ‘Tasija’ at LPU had also organized commencement ceremony-2022 at the Uni-Auditorium of the university.
While welcoming the elite guest, LPU Pro-Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal applauded the decent and disciplinary stay of the Tanzanian students at the campus. She further invoked them to be the leaders of tomorrow by reaching to global heights through their various future endeavours. She also shared that LPU has readied them to excel in the world by adopting its philosophy of “Think Big”. She expected of them: “Be the true brand ambassadors of LPU globe over, and propagate your learning towards solving mankind problems.”

The programme concluded with cultural performances related to Tanzania to cheer up graduating students; whence students were seen hugging, crying, laughing while refreshing memories of spent years at LPU campus. Undoubtedly, they were seen happy to enter a new phase of their life; whereas, they were equally emotional about getting away from their national-international class-fellows and alma-mater. To make memories persist forever, students and their teachers as well interacted with each other enthusiastically.
Special celebrative entertaining arrangements were through Tanzanian dances- Chakacha, Sukuma and more. Added to this were swirling dances to musical tunes by outgoing students themselves. Tanzanian students share that LPU is a place that has enabled them to define and transform themselves as shining individuals. Many of the students were also awarded illustrious certificates and testimonials with citations about their individual intrinsic qualities.