How to enhance your productivity?

How to enhance your productivity?

How to enhance your productivity?

Your semester is going to end soon and you might be wondering that you haven’t been productive enough. Many of you might be thinking about what should you do in the remaining days of this semester or you can even apply it for a long period of time. Even if you haven’t done anything yet, don’t worry, you still got some time. This might be bothering you a bit too. I have some really effective ways and suggestions to end your stress about this. These are the few applied ways that can help you increase your productivity at home:

  1. Plan your day ahead

You should always plan your day the night before. Let me tell you exactly why you should do it. Planning your day ahead of time can help your mind to prepare for the upcoming responsibilities. This will help you to avoid procrastination and devote more time and focus to your work. This method not only helps in time management but also allows you to assign priority to the tasks.

  1. Read

You can read anything, be it a book or article. Reading improves your concentration thus boosting your productivity. Research shows that one’s reading skills are directly connected with the ability to pay attention. Adding reading to your habit can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can dedicate 10 to 15 minutes of your time before bed to reading. This habit can enhance your quality of sleep and as you know, sleep is directly related to your productivity.

  1. Exercise or meditate

Being physically active like walking, running, aerobic exercises, etc in your day is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Exercising raises your energy status, boosts your mood and improves general well-being of a person. Meditation is another way of relieving stress and battling anxiety. The study says that you should exercise for 30 minutes on 5 days per week.

  1. Apply for internships

You can apply for internships for the post of social media intern, content writing intern, or anything that interests you. It is always better to expand your networks and internships are always a great experience to have. You can learn new skills under professionals and get feedback to improve in the future. It provides exposure to the professional world, outside college life. You can do it offline and even online.

  1. Gain knowledge online

Internet is a vast pool of opportunities and it is the best source of knowledge. You can gain knowledge online through various sites like reading research papers, doing courses on LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, etc. You can even learn new skills and few courses are free of cost if you apply through university mail id.

LPU itself provides an ocean of opportunities. You just need to check your announcements section regularly to stay updated. Joining student organizations can be another way of being productive and learning many skills. It lets you showcase your skills and even improve them with time. Working in these organizations lets you experiment with what all things interest you and things that don’t match your preference.

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” Albert Einstein