It’s no denying that most individuals don’t like getting their imperfections pinpointed by their peers or superiors. However, the irony is that other individuals often perceive our ineptness more vividly than we do. Most of us want our work to be honored for a well-executed task, but some of us want the same attention for a job that is not well executed. The point is, you should be empowered by a constructive critique, not wounded!
Although listening to where you went wrong, getting your work judged can be annoying, but it is essential for your learning & professional growth.
If you wholeheartedly get over the constructive criticism, perceive it appropriately, and act upon the input, it can do wonders for you!
I have listed a few tips to make the most out of your peers/superiors feedback:
(1). Do not beat yourself up about it:
Constructive criticism is merely someone’s remarks about you or your work. It does not matter if the person is being honest about you or simply toying with you. You must respond positively and politely.
After all, you are the person with brains you must examine for yourself and check if the feedback is valid or not. If the feedback was authentic and was worth shredding, thank the person who gave it to you & if it was not bona fide and supposedly meant to discourage you, politely reply, pretend, and ignore. After all, you are quick-witted and nimble enough to take care of little things like that!

(2). Ask for more elaboration:
Ask specifically where did you went wrong? To get your heart into the predicament, you will need further details. Doing so will help you analyze better, and the feedback will stay in the back of your mind; So you would not be repeating the same errors again, and wherever plausible, ask for elaboration (Protip: While doing so, stay in control of your responses) if not do try to self-analyze.
(3). Ask for help!
An easy way to rectify yourself is by asking others for feedback! Instead of waiting for the things to go out of your hand, step up and ask. Start with something similar to “you have known me for a long time, do share if you have any suggestions for me.” A candid conversation will not only get you the truth, but people are also a lot nicer this way.

(4). Share your progress:
To honor the person who gave you constructive feedback. After you have worked enough on that particular flaw of yours and you see a visible difference in your performance. Try reaching out to that person and share your progress elaborating on how it helped you. Doing so will make them believe that you care about their opinion. So, in the future, if they see any flaw in your work, they will reach out to you and share their opinion with you.
(5). Stay in control of your responses:
As a final point, you should always stay in control of your responses! Never lose your mind! One reckless response can ruin relations with your peers, seniors, and faculty. Even if you are offended, do not try to retaliate! The other person might not be doing it on purpose or even if he/she is trying to do so intentionally. You are the smart person there is no need to make a scene out of it!