How To Take Notes Brilliantly!

How To Take Notes Brilliantly!


Class notes are the most amazing lifesaver when it comes to quick tests, finals or projects. It helps you in remembering the whole lecture just by going through it. Well-written notes can be helpful to even those who weren’t present in the class. No one ever thought how to write notes effectively so that a quick view of it refreshes all the topics in the brain.

Here are the four important points that will take the note-making to the next level.

Write in Your Flow


Your flow and pattern of writing always give ease to you in the future when you start revising the topics. While the lecture is going in the class, first break down every point and try to write down the teacher’s message in your language or pattern. You should make boxes, arrows, charts, bullet points. Use your creative way to make easily understandable notes.

Be Ahead


Being ahead doesn’t mean to write the whole material of the lecture because that can create fear as well as confusion at the time of exam preparation. Almost every teacher gives an instruction plan or syllabus at the beginning of every course. Try to read the upcoming lecture material one night before the class. This will help you in clear thinking of facts and points of any topic and make you more prepared for the lecture.

Discuss and Compare


Every mind has unique creativity and thus every other student writes notes in a more unique, clear and interesting way. Always try to discuss your notes with your classmates after class. This will not just help in auto revising the topic, but this method also helps you to complete your notes by adding more points and facts from others’ perspectives. The discussion always leads to some productive output. You will surely end up with some questions or solutions so make sure to discuss.

Utilize Tools and Technology


Make a habit of carrying a stationary box or set of items which include pencil, highlighter, eraser, pens of different color and ruler scale in every lecture. Try to use highlighter whenever you feel the teacher has delivered some important point or MCQ’s. Because you might forget these things and their importance at the time of preparation and thus this will help you in recognizing important points. Use multi-color pens while taking notes and divide a separate color for heading, subheading, and body. If electronics are allowed, try to use OneNote on the laptop for taking notes. It allows making notes as independently as you make in your notebooks.