List of Marvelous Books for Students

List of Marvelous Books for Students

list of books for students

I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.” – J.K. Rowling

Do you agree with the above statement? If yes, then undoubtedly you are a book lover! If no, then may be this article will change your opinion.

We all know the significant benefits of book reading. It improves memory, imagination and gives a different perspective to life. But, do you know even the right book can help you achieve your targets in your life? Wondering how? Let me help you understand it.

As a student, we face plenty of challenges in our lives. If we broadly summarize them, the main problems are procrastination, disorganization, less networking, bad habits, low grades, etc. Without overcoming them, can you imagine yourself achieving your targets? Not in a million years! Now, how to do that? So, here comes the role of the right books.

The good book will alleviate your stress and inspire you with its words and meaningful suggestions. Before you move ahead, I suggest you diagnose your problem first and then select the best book as a medicine against it.

Here is a list of 10 books you may read:

  •  Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill.  

This book enhances your organization’s strategy, decision-making, persistence in actions, and positive thinking. 

  • The crossroad of should and must: Find and follow your passion by Elle Luna.    

In this colorful book, the author mentioned many creative ways to make an important decision and some valuable insights to follow the passion. 

  • Two Awesome Hours by Josh Davis.  

 This book might help to create better time management skills.

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

The book enables you to boost your financing capacities and entrepreneur skills. 

  • Small Move, Big Change: Using micro resolutions to transform your life permanently by Caroline L. Arnold

The book tells the significance of small moves in life for basics and enduring changes. 

  • Buzan’s Study Skills by Tony Buzan 

This study skill book provides students with different tactics to boost memory recalling power and mental mapping.

  • IKIGAI by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles 

The book helps you to descry the affection, assignment, employment, and assertion of your life.

  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The core idea of the book gives the principles to develop a better understanding of people and relationships.

  • Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Some don’t by Simon Sinek

This book is related to leadership and teamwork skills.

  • Good habits, Bad habits by Wendy Wood

The Landmark book gives an understanding of how habits are formed and how we can change them.

So, choose the book not only by your favorite genre but also by considering the purpose it serves. Happy Reading!