LPU NCC Student gets selected for the Indian Army

LPU NCC Student gets selected for the Indian Army

LPU's NCC student gets selected in indian Army

People join university with a lot of visions and aspirations and seeing them fulfilled suffuses the mind with immense happiness. Along with that making one’s parents proud is one of the noblest achievements that every child fancies. It is rightly said, “You glow different when your parents are happy due to YOU”.

The achievements of LPU never cease to amaze us! Every day we hear a new tale of accomplishment which is the result of the university’s discipline, the knowledge it provides, the skills it instills, and its very essence. Here we are up with another remarkable success story of a B.tech student who started from being a cadet at NCC and ended up becoming a Gentleman cadet (as a trainee in the academy is called, gentleman cadet). Yes, you read that right!

Saurav Kumar is an alumnus of Lovely Professional University and a Senior Division Cadet of 8th Punjab Battalion, NCC at Phagwara. He cleared SSB (Service Selection Board) examination and got selected as an officer for the Indian Army (TGC-133). He passed the C Certificate examination in 2020.

“From Childhood, I was an adventure enthusiast, plus I wanted to be an engineer, but never wanted to live my life sitting on a chair, ending up as a couch potato. The army provides a very dynamic lifestyle with the required dignity. Along with that, the last three generations of my family have already served the nation and therefore I wanted to continue this legacy,” says Saurav Kumar. The verto adds, that he was highly driven by a quote “Two stars on my shoulder are better than millions in the sky.” As a message, he quoted “Don’t let anyone stir you up the path you have drawn for yourself.” These were also the lines he looked up to during his preparation. He will be joining IMA, Dehradun very soon for his training and then he will be commissioned in the Army as an officer at the rank of lieutenant.

Everyone must work immensely hard to reach a point, where one is recognized based on his/her accomplishments. And it then becomes well deserved. Therefore, the team of Lovely Professional University Congratulates Mr Saurav Kumar, for his accomplishment and the new role he is all set to perform. Success is yours!