LPU Start Up School: Idea Generation Session

LPU Start Up School Inauguration

LPU Start Up School organized its first session for their Explorer program on 3rd February 2017 with students from the schools of CSE & EEE. The session was conducted by Mr. Manish Saini and Nilesh Gopali [CEO of Cloud Buy].

The main objective of this session was to help young individuals understand the first step of venturing into Entrepreneurship-“Idea Generation”. The session started off with the hostess Gayetri Gupta welcoming young entrepreneurial aspirants, followed by a brief introduction of the LPU Start up School programs (Explorer, Boot Camp and Incubator) and the vision it holds for the days to come.

The second half of the session was conducted by Mr. Manish Saini who enthusiastically assured the students that the program aims to provide all the practical lessons required for a budding entrepreneur. And as promised he continued the session by sharing four mantras that would help one to trigger “Idea Generation”- Zenism of entrepreneurship being the highlight of all.

He also talked about “How” and “Why” people venture into entrepreneurship under the tagline “The road less travelled”. Mr. Saini also spoke about how beliefs that turn into myths generally become hindrances to one’s entrepreneurial journey.

Mr. Nilesh Gopali enlightened the students on how India needs employment generating ventures. He also encouraged the students to defy the status quo of India’s youth as job seekers and to be job creators instead.  

Harsh Tiwari co- owner of ZOROUTE shared insights as a young entrepreneur. He talked about how his start up idea came about- setting up an app to mitigate problems faced by customers who uses taxis to commute, such as unwarranted charges, safety and security.

The students who attended the session for sure did get the right nudge to put on their thinking caps, understand their environment and come up with ideas for successful business ventures.