Freshers’ Guide to Student Organizations

Freshers’ Guide to Student Organizations


Unless you’re a high-pitched extrovert, finding like-minded people in any university can be a tricky task. It’s even harder when you’re a fresher. You’ll have some friends, for sure. But your coverage should not limit within your classroom only. And, of course, you also can’t have any events or get-togethers with just a ‘handful’ of friends. You’d need to have a big umbrella to be social. And that’s where the Student Organizations enter the game.

A student organization is an organization of the students, by the students, and for the students. It dwells, usually, at a college or university level, just like at LPU. Different organizations have different goals, but they all work towards the promotion of some specific beliefs. At Lovely Professional University, you have a large number of options available, fortunately. Some of them are just course-oriented, while others work for some social causes. Also, many of them work to impart various skills to their members. But, overall, they’re here so that you never feel alone at the campus. You’ll always be busy with extra-curricular activities. Debates, declamations, art contests, music competitions, and coding seminars are to name a few.

Let’s have a glance over various perks of being in a student organization:

  1. Inter-disciplinary association of like-minded people.
  2. Get to learn future-friendly teamwork and group management skills.
  3. Enhancement of individual personality.
  4. Master over various technical and soft skills.
  5. Get help in studies from senior members.

Now, when you know the benefits of student organizations, you’ll surely want to join one. For your information, most organizations recruit/hire at the beginning of the new academic year. If you feel like you’ve missed some opportunities, there’s no need to worry! Just keep an eye on the UMS Events section. And as soon as a recruitment drive starts, you know what to do. Always look out for the motto of the organization so that you can relate to it before registering. It’s of no use to join, stay for a couple of weeks, and leave. Check out their websites, if any, for more information about how do they function.

However, if none of them seems appealing to you, then you also have the option to start your own. Yes, you read it right! At LPU, becoming a pioneer on campus is much easier than you might think. The process is very straightforward and includes four steps. First, define an objective of your organization, i.e., your goal of functioning. The second step is to get a feasibility check. And, the third and fourth steps include finding members and getting registration completed, respectively. But there are some points to notice here. An organization must never indulge in any political or religious activities that could harm the values and ethics of the university and other people.

It is necessary to have a ‘facilitator’ for a student organization. A facilitator is a faculty/staff member who acts as the mentor. The best thing at LPU is that organizations can’t charge any membership fee to their members. However, fundraising for particular events is allowed. You can always find more information on the UMS portal.

It’s always good to be social. If you can’t be an extrovert, at least try to become an ‘ambivert.’ Don’t think about the skills you’d need for this. For your help, there’ll always be friendly people around you. All you need is to hit the registration button (whether to join one or create one) and let the magic happen!