LPU student outshining in France!

LPU student outshining in France!

LPU student outshining in France!

Tie-ups, tie-ups, and tie-ups!

It is something we have been listening to for days and months and years with a never-ending list of colleges and universities at the international level along with an endless number of students seizing those opportunities and shining the name of themselves, their parents, family, friends as well as the university. The facility of international tie-ups at LPU has widened the horizons of opportunities for the students thriving in the university to cross all the boundaries of culture and education, and live in a foreign land speaking a foreign tongue like their own.

The semester-transfer/semester-exchange program of LPU provides a golden opportunity to the students to finish the degree started at LPU in a foreign university with global recognition and a bright future. LPU provides all the necessities and helps to travel abroad in their chosen university and country along with unparalleled guidance. Likewise, another student of LPU, Saumya of B.Sc. Agriculture has received a peerless chance to study in France and make his name, fame, and living there. He got a wonderful opportunity to study lavishly with a 100% waiver of tuition fees at UniLaSalle which is a private institution in France established in 1854.

UniLaSalle has been formed after the merging of Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture de Beauvais (ISAB), Institut Géologique Albert-de-Lapparent (IGAL), and ESITPA. It provides graduate and post-graduate degrees in agriculture, geology, food sciences, and technology along with environmental sciences. The degrees provided are both in the field of technical and biological (medical) including engineering and science programs. The college is also known for research in food and environmental technology.

Life at a foreign university and a foreign country is a dream-come-true for many of us studying at Indian universities focusing to study big and aim higher on a world stage is no less deal. We are grateful to Lovely Professional University for its amazing services towards its students and for making our dreams their own enabling us to achieve everything we want ceaselessly. As I am about to graduate within a few months, I feel very obliged and indebted to my university for all the guidance of the department and the teachers who have always been so supportive and never banned us from knowing what we wanted to know and from doing what we wanted to do. The love we have received from the university is incomparable and we as students will never forget the experiences we gained during our stay!