LPU student had the opportunity to talk to former Miss Universe Sushmita...

LPU student had the opportunity to talk to former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen

LPU students had the opportunity to talk to former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other. -Walter Elliot

Opportunities come to those who are patient and dedicated to grabbing them. When you are given a life of advantages, you should make up to whom your loved ones by being the best you could. The great leaders of the world are alike us in many things but the thing that makes them different is their perseverance. If they had given up on the things, they were passionate about, they wouldn’t have been standing at the top of the world. The thing that they learnt on their path to success and glory is that the path to success is not linear but a joyride of lows and highs. Students of LPU are the hustlers of the world. We, at LPU, believe in hard work perseverance that is why we keep getting results and growing to be the best version of ourselves.

LPU students had the opportunity to talk to former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen

It gives us immense pleasure to support the fellow vertos in the journey and get motivated from them. Another such motivational achievement that filled us all with pride is of B.Tech CSE Student Aryan Sachdeva. He has been an inspiration for all the students of LPU and is an amazing guide to the junior students. A lot of students including me have witnessed his achievements and growth throughout the years. He has recently got a chance to interact with former Miss Universe and well-renowned actress Sushmita Sen and learn about the various aspects of her life and the experiences she had.

LPU students had the opportunity to talk to former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen

The theme was “Force of Nature” where she told about her career and the opportunities that have come up due to the advent of OTT platforms. It was an enlightening experience for him to hear about the valuable experiences with our students and inspire them to perform to their fullest potential while interacting with them in the exclusive session. Not even this, Ms. Sushmita Sen talked to Mr. Aryan Sachdeva’s mother and called her “The Real-life Aarya” referring to being a bold and hard-working woman.

This was a wholesome experience for all the students and participants present in this session and they learnt a lot of lessons for life.