Returning to your college campus? Here are the tips to stay safe...

Returning to your college campus? Here are the tips to stay safe during the commute!

A University That Is Just So Cool

As the coronavirus pandemic is slowly coming to a standstill, people are gradually moving out of the house to resume a normal life. It marks the beginning of a combined effort to bring back everything on track, as on the other hand, scientists and researchers around the world are working day in and day out to develop the vaccine that would make COVID-19 a virus of the past.

Although there is no argument to the fact that the series of lockdowns and subsequent partial lockdowns implemented throughout the world to reduce the spread of the pandemic indeed helped save millions of lives but, it created an instability in the economy all over the globe, which needs to be revamped back. And the only way to do so is by resuming work following the new normal Guidelines.

As the coronavirus pandemic is slowly coming to a standstill, people are gradually moving out of the house to resume a normal life. It marks the beginning of a combined effort to bring back everything on track, as on the other hand, scientists and researchers around the world are working day in and day out to develop the vaccine that would make COVID-19 a virus of the past. Although there is no argument to the fact that the series of lockdowns and subsequent partial lockdowns implemented throughout the world to reduce the spread of the pandemic indeed helped save millions of lives but, it created an instability in the economy all over the globe, which needs to be revamped back. And the only way to do so is by resuming work following the new normal Guidelines. Like every other sector, the education sector also needs to be put on track, and the students need to be shifted from online class to conventional classrooms as we all know that online classes are not at all equivalent to physical classrooms. It is the reason why many educational institutions throughout the world are calling their students back to campus to resume the normal classes, following all the norms and regulations set by the governments. We, as the students are also pumped up to resume our college life after a long unwanted break. There is no denial of the fact that we have missed our campus for more than six months now, and when we have a campus like that of Lovely Professional University, it is hard not to miss. Things such as attending several functions in the auditoriums, playing football and basketball in the field, chilling with our group in front of the Uni Mall, strolling around the campus in the evening, and of course, attending those lectures seem to be a distant memory. But amidst all our excitement we should not forget that the coronavirus pandemic has not come to an end. Although all the college campuses are going to follow precautionary measures inside their campus, and you can expect to be safe from the infection if you follow proper hygiene, it is during the time of traveling from our homes to the campus when we are most susceptible to catching the infection. In this article, we will read about some precautions that you can take while traveling to prevent yourself from getting infected: • The first thing that you should do is check whether you are sick or not before you are traveling so that you do not spread the infection to lots of other people on the way. The best thing to do if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 is to inform your college authorities and stay in home isolation for half a month unless stated otherwise. • Make a checklist of essentials that includes a couple of face masks, face shields, hand gloves, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. Whenever you are traveling, a face mask, a face shield, and gloves should be constantly worn without fail. It is always advised to carry the hand sanitizer in your pocket and spray it on your hands after a couple of hours and after you have touched an unprotected surface so that the virus does not end up in your respiratory system. • Be extra cautious of what surfaces you are touching during your travel. Surfaces such as washbasins, railings, washroom walls, and public sanitary equipment are most susceptible to hosting the virus from an infected person, and after touching them, thoroughly wash your hands with soap water and spray sanitizer on them to be extra safe. • Try to take the window seat whenever you are traveling in an airplane as researchers have found that the best way to keep away from a virus in a plane is to take the window seat and remain seated throughout the flight. • Whenever you are in an airport, a bus station, or any railway station try to find an isolated corner with less human interference and use the place to take rest. In case you have to stand in a queue, always keep in mind to have at least 6 feet distance between you and the surrounding people. • Lastly, try to be less social while traveling in this time and interact with as few persons as possible before you enter your college campus.

Like every other sector, the education sector also needs to be put on track, and the students need to be shifted from online class to conventional classrooms as we all know that online classes are not at all equivalent to physical classrooms. It is the reason why many educational institutions throughout the world are calling their students back to campus to resume the normal classes, following all the norms and regulations set by the governments.

We, as the students are also pumped up to resume our college life after a long unwanted break. There is no denial of the fact that we have missed our campus for more than six months now, and when we have a campus like that of Lovely Professional University, it is hard not to miss. Things such as attending several functions in the auditoriums, playing football and basketball in the field, chilling with our group in front of the Uni Mall, strolling around the campus in the evening, and of course, attending those lectures seem to be a distant memory.

But amidst all our excitement we should not forget that the coronavirus pandemic has not come to an end. Although all the college campuses are going to follow precautionary measures inside their campus, and you can expect to be safe from the infection if you follow proper hygiene, it is during the time of traveling from our homes to the campus when we are most susceptible to catching the infection.

As the coronavirus pandemic is slowly coming to a standstill, people are gradually moving out of the house to resume a normal life. It marks the beginning of a combined effort to bring back everything on track, as on the other hand, scientists and researchers around the world are working day in and day out to develop the vaccine that would make COVID-19 a virus of the past. Although there is no argument to the fact that the series of lockdowns and subsequent partial lockdowns implemented throughout the world to reduce the spread of the pandemic indeed helped save millions of lives but, it created an instability in the economy all over the globe, which needs to be revamped back. And the only way to do so is by resuming work following the new normal Guidelines. Like every other sector, the education sector also needs to be put on track, and the students need to be shifted from online class to conventional classrooms as we all know that online classes are not at all equivalent to physical classrooms. It is the reason why many educational institutions throughout the world are calling their students back to campus to resume the normal classes, following all the norms and regulations set by the governments. We, as the students are also pumped up to resume our college life after a long unwanted break. There is no denial of the fact that we have missed our campus for more than six months now, and when we have a campus like that of Lovely Professional University, it is hard not to miss. Things such as attending several functions in the auditoriums, playing football and basketball in the field, chilling with our group in front of the Uni Mall, strolling around the campus in the evening, and of course, attending those lectures seem to be a distant memory. But amidst all our excitement we should not forget that the coronavirus pandemic has not come to an end. Although all the college campuses are going to follow precautionary measures inside their campus, and you can expect to be safe from the infection if you follow proper hygiene, it is during the time of traveling from our homes to the campus when we are most susceptible to catching the infection. In this article, we will read about some precautions that you can take while traveling to prevent yourself from getting infected: • The first thing that you should do is check whether you are sick or not before you are traveling so that you do not spread the infection to lots of other people on the way. The best thing to do if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 is to inform your college authorities and stay in home isolation for half a month unless stated otherwise. • Make a checklist of essentials that includes a couple of face masks, face shields, hand gloves, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. Whenever you are traveling, a face mask, a face shield, and gloves should be constantly worn without fail. It is always advised to carry the hand sanitizer in your pocket and spray it on your hands after a couple of hours and after you have touched an unprotected surface so that the virus does not end up in your respiratory system. • Be extra cautious of what surfaces you are touching during your travel. Surfaces such as washbasins, railings, washroom walls, and public sanitary equipment are most susceptible to hosting the virus from an infected person, and after touching them, thoroughly wash your hands with soap water and spray sanitizer on them to be extra safe. • Try to take the window seat whenever you are traveling in an airplane as researchers have found that the best way to keep away from a virus in a plane is to take the window seat and remain seated throughout the flight. • Whenever you are in an airport, a bus station, or any railway station try to find an isolated corner with less human interference and use the place to take rest. In case you have to stand in a queue, always keep in mind to have at least 6 feet distance between you and the surrounding people. • Lastly, try to be less social while traveling in this time and interact with as few persons as possible before you enter your college campus.

In this article, we will read about some precautions that you can take while traveling to prevent yourself from getting infected:

  • The first thing that you should do is check whether you are sick or not before you are traveling so that you do not spread the infection to lots of other people on the way. The best thing to do if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 is to inform your college authorities and stay in home isolation for half a month unless stated otherwise.
  • Make a checklist of essentials that includes a couple of face masks, face shields, hand gloves, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. Whenever you are traveling, a face mask, a face shield, and gloves should be constantly worn without fail. It is always advised to carry the hand sanitizer in your pocket and spray it on your hands after a couple of hours and after you have touched an unprotected surface so that the virus does not end up in your respiratory system.

As the coronavirus pandemic is slowly coming to a standstill, people are gradually moving out of the house to resume a normal life. It marks the beginning of a combined effort to bring back everything on track, as on the other hand, scientists and researchers around the world are working day in and day out to develop the vaccine that would make COVID-19 a virus of the past. Although there is no argument to the fact that the series of lockdowns and subsequent partial lockdowns implemented throughout the world to reduce the spread of the pandemic indeed helped save millions of lives but, it created an instability in the economy all over the globe, which needs to be revamped back. And the only way to do so is by resuming work following the new normal Guidelines. Like every other sector, the education sector also needs to be put on track, and the students need to be shifted from online class to conventional classrooms as we all know that online classes are not at all equivalent to physical classrooms. It is the reason why many educational institutions throughout the world are calling their students back to campus to resume the normal classes, following all the norms and regulations set by the governments. We, as the students are also pumped up to resume our college life after a long unwanted break. There is no denial of the fact that we have missed our campus for more than six months now, and when we have a campus like that of Lovely Professional University, it is hard not to miss. Things such as attending several functions in the auditoriums, playing football and basketball in the field, chilling with our group in front of the Uni Mall, strolling around the campus in the evening, and of course, attending those lectures seem to be a distant memory. But amidst all our excitement we should not forget that the coronavirus pandemic has not come to an end. Although all the college campuses are going to follow precautionary measures inside their campus, and you can expect to be safe from the infection if you follow proper hygiene, it is during the time of traveling from our homes to the campus when we are most susceptible to catching the infection. In this article, we will read about some precautions that you can take while traveling to prevent yourself from getting infected: • The first thing that you should do is check whether you are sick or not before you are traveling so that you do not spread the infection to lots of other people on the way. The best thing to do if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 is to inform your college authorities and stay in home isolation for half a month unless stated otherwise. • Make a checklist of essentials that includes a couple of face masks, face shields, hand gloves, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. Whenever you are traveling, a face mask, a face shield, and gloves should be constantly worn without fail. It is always advised to carry the hand sanitizer in your pocket and spray it on your hands after a couple of hours and after you have touched an unprotected surface so that the virus does not end up in your respiratory system. • Be extra cautious of what surfaces you are touching during your travel. Surfaces such as washbasins, railings, washroom walls, and public sanitary equipment are most susceptible to hosting the virus from an infected person, and after touching them, thoroughly wash your hands with soap water and spray sanitizer on them to be extra safe. • Try to take the window seat whenever you are traveling in an airplane as researchers have found that the best way to keep away from a virus in a plane is to take the window seat and remain seated throughout the flight. • Whenever you are in an airport, a bus station, or any railway station try to find an isolated corner with less human interference and use the place to take rest. In case you have to stand in a queue, always keep in mind to have at least 6 feet distance between you and the surrounding people. • Lastly, try to be less social while traveling in this time and interact with as few persons as possible before you enter your college campus.

  • Be extra cautious of what surfaces you are touching during your travel. Surfaces such as washbasins, railings, washroom walls, and public sanitary equipment are most susceptible to hosting the virus from an infected person, and after touching them, thoroughly wash your hands with soap water and spray sanitizer on them to be extra safe.
  • Try to take the window seat whenever you are traveling in an airplane as researchers have found that the best way to keep away from a virus in a plane is to take the window seat and remain seated throughout the flight.

As the coronavirus pandemic is slowly coming to a standstill, people are gradually moving out of the house to resume a normal life. It marks the beginning of a combined effort to bring back everything on track, as on the other hand, scientists and researchers around the world are working day in and day out to develop the vaccine that would make COVID-19 a virus of the past. Although there is no argument to the fact that the series of lockdowns and subsequent partial lockdowns implemented throughout the world to reduce the spread of the pandemic indeed helped save millions of lives but, it created an instability in the economy all over the globe, which needs to be revamped back. And the only way to do so is by resuming work following the new normal Guidelines. Like every other sector, the education sector also needs to be put on track, and the students need to be shifted from online class to conventional classrooms as we all know that online classes are not at all equivalent to physical classrooms. It is the reason why many educational institutions throughout the world are calling their students back to campus to resume the normal classes, following all the norms and regulations set by the governments. We, as the students are also pumped up to resume our college life after a long unwanted break. There is no denial of the fact that we have missed our campus for more than six months now, and when we have a campus like that of Lovely Professional University, it is hard not to miss. Things such as attending several functions in the auditoriums, playing football and basketball in the field, chilling with our group in front of the Uni Mall, strolling around the campus in the evening, and of course, attending those lectures seem to be a distant memory. But amidst all our excitement we should not forget that the coronavirus pandemic has not come to an end. Although all the college campuses are going to follow precautionary measures inside their campus, and you can expect to be safe from the infection if you follow proper hygiene, it is during the time of traveling from our homes to the campus when we are most susceptible to catching the infection. In this article, we will read about some precautions that you can take while traveling to prevent yourself from getting infected: • The first thing that you should do is check whether you are sick or not before you are traveling so that you do not spread the infection to lots of other people on the way. The best thing to do if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 is to inform your college authorities and stay in home isolation for half a month unless stated otherwise. • Make a checklist of essentials that includes a couple of face masks, face shields, hand gloves, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. Whenever you are traveling, a face mask, a face shield, and gloves should be constantly worn without fail. It is always advised to carry the hand sanitizer in your pocket and spray it on your hands after a couple of hours and after you have touched an unprotected surface so that the virus does not end up in your respiratory system. • Be extra cautious of what surfaces you are touching during your travel. Surfaces such as washbasins, railings, washroom walls, and public sanitary equipment are most susceptible to hosting the virus from an infected person, and after touching them, thoroughly wash your hands with soap water and spray sanitizer on them to be extra safe. • Try to take the window seat whenever you are traveling in an airplane as researchers have found that the best way to keep away from a virus in a plane is to take the window seat and remain seated throughout the flight. • Whenever you are in an airport, a bus station, or any railway station try to find an isolated corner with less human interference and use the place to take rest. In case you have to stand in a queue, always keep in mind to have at least 6 feet distance between you and the surrounding people. • Lastly, try to be less social while traveling in this time and interact with as few persons as possible before you enter your college campus.

  • Whenever you are in an airport, a bus station, or any railway station try to find an isolated corner with less human interference and use the place to take rest. In case you have to stand in a queue, always keep in mind to have at least 6 feet distance between you and the surrounding people.
  • Lastly, try to be less social while traveling in this time and interact with as few persons as possible before you enter your college campus.