Sculpt Your Personality with Aspire MUN

Sculpt Your Personality with Aspire MUN

Sculpt your Personality with Aspire MUN

When you enter the college, the college not only carves your personality but also brings out all your hidden attributes which then make you “whole”, also there are extracurricular activities and intercollegiate competitions that are conducted for following reasons:

  • To bring out hidden talents among students.
  • To provide them with the platform to discover.
  • To exchange culture, thoughts, talents between colleges.
  • To give break from their regular 9 am – 4 pm class hours.

Lovely Professional University which has thousands of students in its family coming from different states, countries, and background has exceptionally well-defined curriculum wherein for extracurricular activities they have a whole different department and that is DSW(Division of Students’ Welfare). And in it, there are several organizations conducting such events. One the prominent organization of DSW is UNYC(United Nations Youth Committee)

The goals of this organization are to:

  1. Mobilize: To promote United Nations’ policies, activities and people’s compliance with their international commitments;
  2. Educate: To provide timely information about the United Nations to students, faculty, and staff of Lovely Professional University in order to inform of the happenings of the United Nations;
  3. Build Community: To encourage organizations to network among themselves;
  4. Engage: To participate in United Nations activities.

UNYC will conduct an educational simulation and an academic activity this April, which is, MUN(Model United Nations), also known as Model UN. The motive is to help students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches participants about researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. This usually is an extracurricular activity, however, some schools also offer Model UN as a class. It is meant to engage students and allow them to develop a deeper understanding of current world issues.

Sculpt your Personality with Aspire MUN

So be prepared this 13th, 14th and 15th April 2018 to be a part of MUN, wherein more than 60 institutions will take part. Students who want to know about Aspire MUN or want  to take part as a team can go to their Facebook page:

MUN-A-THON: They will give official training session before the event. The interested  can attend those 2-4 days session in the month of January, February, and March

“We Train people in a fun-filled model in the art of MUNing. NYC has created a Unique way. In 2 or 3 Days we simulate as many Committees and Agendas as possible. Result – Awesome Diplomacy Redefined.” –  ASPIRE MUN TEAM

MUN is famous around the globe for the experience it imparts. It helps students sculpt and groom their personalities and students will also get a certificate for their active participation. So, don’t miss this chance! If you have any queries, ask them on their Facebook page.