LPU Staff Walked the ‘Unity Walk’ at the Inauguration of ‘Share the...

LPU Staff Walked the ‘Unity Walk’ at the Inauguration of ‘Share the Vision’ 2016


The LPU campus witnessed a soul stirring spectacle at the inaugural ceremony of the 2 day, 15th Annual Conference – ‘Share the Vision’. 3500+ faculty/staff from diverse backgrounds took a Unity Walk around the campus, in an undulating human tricolor, dressed in saffron, white, and green t-shirts.

The Chief Guest of the event was LPU Chancellor Mr. Ashok Mittal, who was accompanied by the Pro Chancellor, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal. The Chief Guest witnessed a kathak performance and a folk music composition that won awards at the AIU competitions, with all the LPU staff. He then spoke a few encouraging words to all assembled, and declared the walk open.

After the walk, the staff got together for some fun and games, following which was an award ceremony to honor LPU staff who have had long associations with the university. Staff members with 15 years of service, that is, since the inception of the university 16 years ago, were specially honoured.

The fifteen years’ Association Awards were bestowed upon Executive Dean Dr. Sanjay Modi, Associate Registrar Soosan Chhabra, Deputy Dean Dr. Suresh Kumar, Assistant Dean Prof. Balraj Kumar, Assistant Director Archana Sehgal, Professor MM Khanna, Assistant Professor Avinash Bhagat, Accountant Ranju Sharma, Senior Designer Satvinder Pal Singh, Officer Vandana Sharma, Deputy Officer Ravish Kumar, Site Supervisor Surinder Pal, Driver Bodh Raj and Driver Raj Kumar. Family members of these awardees were also specially invited to witness their loved ones being honored.