LPU HRDC organized Short Term Course on Industry 4.0

LPU HRDC organized Short Term Course on Industry 4.0

Short Term Course on Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a level up, a transformational change that connects people, processes and machines. It is a combination of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), cyber-physical systems and artificial intelligence, put together to ultimately make machines capable of making decisions with minimal human intervention. It is an amalgamation of traditional manufacturing practices and sophisticated technology; real-time visibility of the complete value chain, thus allowing for better decisions. Industry 4.0 describes a new, emerging structure in which manufacturing and logistics are in the form of Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS). Starting from Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industrial IoT gateways, cyber-physical systems (CPS), cloud computing, artificial intelligence, real time data monitoring and analytics to application development, solutions are to be sought for all these digital transformations.

In this context, a Short Term Course on Industry 4.0 was organized by the LPU Human Resource Development Center and School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, w.e.f. June 13 -18, 2022. The program got an overwhelming response from participants from academia and Industry. Maestros of Academia and Industry deliberated on varied aspects of Industry 4.0.

The context was set by Program convener Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Prof. & Associate Dean and Head, HRDC. She assured that participants would be enriched with knowledge. “The Short Term Course is unique in terms of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment methods which are gamified in approach” she expressed. The panel consisted of eminent subject matter experts namely Prof. Bhupinder Verma, Dean, School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Dr. K .S. Nagla, Associate Professor, Instrumentation & Control Engg., NIT Jalandhar,Mr. Amit Rao, Technical Head, SMEC Automation – Hyderabad, Dr. Sachin Gupta, Asst. Prof., Division of Research and Development, Mr. Nitin Kumar, Asst. Prof., School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Mr. Soumyakant Panda, Asst. Manager, Robotics Application, Omron Automation Ltd, Ms. Archana Kanwar, Robotic Instructor, Moonshot Junior Inc.,Mr. Vikas Rastogi, Senior Sales Executive, Siemens Pvt. Ltd.

Each Subject Matter expert expressed views on different segments of Industry 4.0. Prof. Bhupinder Verma introduced the participants to Industry 4.0 and its Importance. Mr. Soumyakant Panda gave an overview of recent trends in Industries. Dr. K S Nagla discussed Robots for Industry 4.0. Dr. Sachin Gupta deliberated on virtual instrumentation and LabVIEW fundamentals, Mr. Nitin Kumar emphasized the machine vision in Industry 4.0 and gave demo of machine vision using Python. Mr. Amit Rao deliberated on PLC Basics and Ladder Logic Programming and PLC/SACAD Simulation and Interfacing, Ms. Archana Kanwar focused on Robot Operating System (ROS): Simulation and Hardware Interfacing and Vikas Rastogi emphasized Industrial IOT and recent trends. The participants were kept engaged with poll questions.

Prof. Bhupinder Verma Program Co-convener appreciated the contribution of the resource team. He applauded HRDC coordinating team members Prof. (Dr.) Savita Gupta, and Ms. Sushma and program Co-coordinator Dr. Manoj Kumar Shukla, Assistant Professor, School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Lovely Professional University for organizing a meaningful Short Term Course, successful in meeting participants’ expectations.

The course intonated with the closing remarks of Course Coordinator, Dr. Manoj Kumar Shukla, he thanked the resource panel, course conveners and the participants and acknowledged the efforts of the Organizing Committee.