Short Term Course on Scale Development and Standardization

Short Term Course on Scale Development and Standardization


Measurement is the foundation of all research in social sciences. The researchers have to use existing standardized scales for measuring the constructs. Many a time, the scales are not available for specific constructs or specific contexts. In these circumstances, the researcher has no option but to develop a scale for study. There are specific strategies for developing these measures. The researcher has to clearly understand the importance of theory, dimensionality, reliability, validity, and psychometric procedures for scale development. In this context to develop the skill of Scale Development and Standardization, a Short Term Course was scheduled by Human Resource Development Center and School of Physical Education  w.e.f. Nov. 21 to Nov. 26, 2022, aimed at increasing the understanding and skill of developing and validating measurement scales for conducting research in social sciences, designing the construct definition and dimensionality, Item generation and content validity and testing the psychometric properties of scale through EFA and CFA.

The program convener Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor & Dean and Head-HRDC, LPU in her inaugural address emphasized that the Scale development is an essential stage in the assessment of constructs and variables in social science. Moreover scales are useful tools to attribute scores in some numerical dimension to phenomena that cannot be measured directly. Dr.Ahuja highlighted the process of scale development to facilitate the development of new, valid, and reliable scales, and to help improve existing ones. She assured that hands on practice would be done which will enable the participants to develop a scale.

The program was conducted by seasoned Subject Matter Experts Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor & Dean and Head-HRDC , Dr. Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor, HRDC,LPU and Dr. Harish Mittu, Associate Professor, School of Education, LPU who deliberated on The scale development process overview, basics of scale development tool purpose and construct measured, response scale specifications & scale format, item generation (Item Pool) and evaluation, the Content Validity Ratio (CVR), pilot testing the Items: pretesting, testing the psychometric properties of the Scale, Dimensionality, Validity and Reliability, Factor Analysis -EFA and CFA, Item Response Theory (IRT)  and test scoring and standardization norms.

In the valedictory address, the program convener Prof. (Dr.) Pavitar Parkash Singh, Dean and HOS- School of Social Sciences & Languages, Lovely Professional University emphasized that the Short Term Courses organized as outreach training programs are envisioned to upskill participants of Lovely Professional University and public at large and this course was successful in meeting the said objectives. He also acknowledged the valuable contribution of the intellectual capital and appreciated the organizing team for organizing a meaningful STC, successful in meeting participants’ expectations.

Prof. (Dr.) Pavitar Parkash Singh congratulated the program coordinators Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor and Head-Department of Faculty Development-HRDC,LPU and Prof.(Dr.) Neelam  Sharma, Dy. Dean & HOD-Department of  Physical Education, LPU for coordinating the workshop and maintaining great connect with the participants and Resource Panel.

The Coordinator of the program Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor and Head –Department of Faculty Development, Human Resource Development Center, Lovely Professional University presented the Program Report by sharing the ‘THINK BIG’ vision of  Lovely Professional University which empowered them to organize the Short Term Course on and congratulated the participants for successful completion  of the program.