As the spring session of 2021 concludes, I will be wrapping up with my degree and my terminal semester at Lovely Professional University.
My perspective on life has changed in every conceivable way in the three years since I first arrived at the Lovely Professional University as a naive teenager. I embolden all prospective students of the #Vertos2021 class to make every moment count. Now, as I move forward to find and kickstart my career working with corporates, I’d want to share a trio of the most valuable lessons I learned as an undergrad.
(1). “Try everything” if you don’t know where to begin:
During my time at the Lovely Professional University, I took courses in human anatomy, organic & inorganic chemistry, pharmaceutical engineering, and pharmacology as a pharma major. I had an affinity towards polyglots, so I took extra Russian, French, and German language courses.
Although not every teenager arrives at the university seeking such a diverse array of courses. I have peers who arrived at the university positively focused on pursuing economics, engineering, computer science, or business. However, suppose you don’t know which route you will be cruising with your future career. In that case, the fact Lovely Professional University offers an endless number of workshops, seminars, and training sessions concerning different domains that any Verto can attend is delightful.
(2). Set off to an excellent start to your freshman year by attending your induction and participating in One India or One World:
This now might sound unusual, but I encourage you to start your freshman year at Lovely Professional University with loads of extracurricular activities, specifically with the Freshman Induction. Nostalgic! (If you are lucky, you might get a chance to indulge in YouthVibe held bi-yearly held exquisitely at Lovely Professional University).

Induction is where my blank canvas of the university journey was colored and painted by some of my most beloved student clubs/organizations. Even in your sophomore, junior, and senior years, you have the choice to establish your student clubs/organizations.
In the meantime, One World & One India are an exquisite way to open up and build lifelong friendships at the beginning of your freshman year. If you end up attending both of them, you will indeed have an astronomical opportunity to ramp up your enthusiasm and ethics when you take off upon the freshman odyssey.
(3). Capture memories:
Trust me: four years at Lovely Professional University end pretty quickly. Take snaps and videos every moment you celebrate if it’s together with your roommates to one of India’s holiest sites, the Golden Temple.
The Golden Temple Manali
Or you’re at Manali with your buddies. Take a moment and stop to click memories. You will not regret it.