The Pursuit of Passions

The Pursuit of Passions


You must have read at least one Chetan Bhagat or Amish Tripathi. Just for your information, Bhagat is an IIT- IIM product, while Tripathi is an IIM Calcutta graduate. Impressed?

It does impress me. A lot. Not the level of skill or versatility of talent these guys have displayed, that isn’t what they are about to me. The fact that they continued to evolve as human beings, and didn’t settle for getting ‘settled’ by the late twenties with 6 figure salaries and mind numbing jobs, that is what I find truly awesome. I believe that our talents and interests keep developing as we grow and we should always have at least one passion to turn to when life and work begin to pall.  

It’s never too late for anything. These people who become writers after graduating from IIMs might have never known that they would give some really good books to society, one day. Of course there are those who criticize their work, and aren’t too taken with all of it. I just have one thing to say about that – there are some people who never stop exploring themselves and that is the most important kind of success in life. 

My mother is a teacher and her hobby is gardening. She didn’t know much when she first started, and now she even knows the biological names of all she grows. No single evening passes when I don’t see her with her plants.

Why am I telling you all this? To urge you to find those hidden interests in you. I believe there is no happiness greater than getting to know yourself.

Diviértete explorando!


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