My Experience with Maths in the States

We Indians have a natural talent for Maths, and if you ever have an opportunity to study abroad, I'll advise you to take at...

Be Yourself – Be Original

Being original is one of the most attractive traits we can possess. It is not a matter of being different in the eyes of...

Tips for Competitive Exams

Some of us are standing at the brink of passing out from the university and getting ready for the next step. It could be...

Technology Can Get You Hired

Most companies and businesses are using mobile phones these days, to recruit new talent. A study has revealed that in India, 80 percent of...

LPU-NSS and ‘Samarpan A Lifeline’ Organized A Blood Donation Camp

LPU-NSS and Samarpan a lifeline collected 300 pints of blood at their Feb 14th camp, which can save more than 900 lives.On the day...
5 books your must read in your 20s

5 Books You Must Read in Your 20s

  Books teach. No matter what book it is, biography, self-help, fiction, or academic, we always learn something from it.Everyone has preferences in what they’d...

International Darwin Day

Every year on 12th February, International Darwin Day is celebrated to mark the birth of revolutionary English Biologist and scientist Charles Darwin. His proposed...

A Delegation from the Monmouth University of USA Visited LPU

A five-member delegation from the Monmouth University (MU) of America visited Lovely Professional University (LPU) to initiate collaborative academic efforts between the two universities....

Happy Valentine’s Day

As soon as February starts roses seem redder, the only dress you want is red, and the songs you put on your playlist are...

Books to Read This Valentine’s Day

You can either be that person who’s curled up in a blanket, sipping coffee and enjoying the single life, or the one tugging on...