When an Army Man Joined LPU – 4

When an Army Man Joined LPU – 4


A new craze seized popular imagination and everyone started following the coolest person in town – Barney Stinson.

In a new wave of stupidity everyone was throwing illogical challenges at each other randomly…..and the recepient of said stupid challenge had to honor it or be mocked endlessly. 

As the second year of college was progressing, he had found himself a good bunch of lads. It wasn’t easy or instant, but the befuddling 100s from southern India, that had crowded his room to socialize with his roommates had become his people. No matter that he still didn’t follow their language, or languages (he couldn’t tell the difference). 

The “topper section” had already ruined the career of an English teacher, who had an undesirable habit of using the keyword “pardon” at the end of whatever came out of his mouth. God bless the guy, he could not have met a section any worse.

So coming back to the challenges, they ranged from pretty simple tasks like bunking a class to pretty serious ones, like snatching a glass full of lemonade from a complete stranger and tossing it away. It could just be asking silly questions of the faculty or wearing a labcoat to class throughout the day – but a challenge issued was a challenged answered, no matter how strange, risky, or bizarre.

To those reading it, you are either at LPU right now, or were there at some point and have seen the 4g tower standing tall behind BH6 – crazy people went inside it just to complete a challenge…..TBC


If someone happens to be interested in  validating how serious the challenges were, just write your comments, so that the admin can allow me to share some photos and videos.