Woman, A Human Too!

Woman, A Human Too!


What do we get by objectifying women? I don’t know. We question her dressing style, her weight, her looks, her colour and especially her behaviour. We are people with different opinions and perspectives. Why is it so difficult to digest we are being supervised by a female. This is the 21st century, the social media age, the age where women have touched the zenith of their careers, where they have proved no less than boys, why we still pull them back by our comments and trolls.

We need to change this mindset harbouring domination and supremacy. We need to accept the existence as well as the success of a woman. We have to realize this world belongs to us all. I have seen people complaining about feminism. They say women in the disguise of this movement destroy lives. I agree some might have done this, but this movement was never made to make men inferior or nether. It was solely made on the basis of equal expression and freedom.

Every woman isn’t alike but making a mockery of this movement is unfair. We should respect those movements who brought meaning to chaos, sense to senselessness and love to hatred. How can this movement which was meant to spread love and equality is a shame? We need to rethink, we need to introspect. Before jumping to any conclusion we must consider a human before considering as a man or a woman.

Since I joined Lovely Professional University, I saw an enormously different environment. Here you get to meet people of all shades and all walks of life. A lesson I learned from this place is, here you are not an entity but a human who shares the right to live freely. LPU has a zero-tolerance policy for any sort of discrimination; it fosters unity in diversity! This place embraces you irrespective of your ethnicities.

Come let’s make this world a beautiful place to live, a place to cherish, a place to make memories. Let’s build peace and love. Let’s embody wit and knowledge. And change begins with you.