A-Z Monsters of the Night

A-Z Monsters of the Night

Monsters Of The Night

There are many tales of encounters with the creatures of the dark but none with credibility. Many men have spent lives searching for these creatures with little success. We have come across some famous creatures debuted in Hollywood movies. Whether their existence is real, remains an unanswered question. The theory of the cryptids state that- the probability of finding the monster is very less when you go looking for it. So for all those who are actually not wishing for encounters with the dark, chances are that you are highly likely to meet one.

Here’s a list of some famous monsters for a sleepless night.


This creature is a Gargantuan wolf found in Greenland that feasts on hunters and cattle. It surfaces only at night, causing fear among the natives of Greenland, Canada and Alaska.


Monsters Of The Night

Known for its ear-piercing scream, the banshee is a fairy that resembles an ugly old woman. The banshee is a harbinger of the death of a family member.


Monsters Of The Night

We know this creature from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Apart from it being portrayed as a magical creature, some people in Europe dread it. Yes, it’s true that it can kill on sight. It’s also true that its venom is so deadly, it can potentially destroy everything.


Monsters Of The Night

This is a ghost from Japan, famous for walking behind people at night. It does not have any form and hence cannot be seen. However, the ghost makes sure to be heard and enjoys the discomfit of people.

Bigfoot (Yeti, Sasquatch):

Monsters Of The Night

This is a gigantic man-ape that prefers the icy cold mountains or dense impenetrable forests. This creature is impeccably shy.

Black shuck:

Monsters Of The Night

It is a demon in the form of a dog that is feared widely as the omen of death with an exemplary in Harry Potter as Sirius Black.

Bloody Mary:

Monsters Of The Night

At 3 AM-midnight, with only candlesticks to provide light, stand in front of the mirror and say “Bloody Mary” thrice. Chances are that you might see the person you’ll marry or a skull- depicting your death or the Bloody Mary herself-in which case you are in imminent danger.


Monsters Of The Night

This is Fluffy- the three-headed dog from Harry Potter. It’s known for guarding the Underworld from escaping spirits. The mighty Hercules is said to have captured it during one of his tasks.


Monsters Of The Night

Also known as a vampire, it is most famous in Transylvania.  It feasts on blood and sleeps in a coffin and takes the shape of a bat at night.


Monsters Of The Night

This ghost carries its head under its arms and rides a horse. The Dullahan brings death wherever it goes and is frightened of gold.

Frankenstein’s Monster:

Monsters Of The Night

A result of a lab experiment by Dr. Frankenstein. It is rendered a kind creature except when tortured by crazy scientists.



Monsters Of The Night

It is a shape-shifting demon that feasts on human flesh. It is rumored to be found around graveyards and abandoned places, sometimes taking the form of a hyena.


Monsters Of The Night

It’s a sweet little goblin or spirit that helps you with your chores at night.



Monsters Of The Night

It’s a demon goblin, unlike the hob that represents a giant spider. It entices its victims by taking the form of a woman.


Monsters Of The Night

Famous appearances in the Pirates of the Caribbean, it’s a giant squid or octopus that tackles an entire ship killing everyone on board. It is known to roam the deeper depths of the Atlantic ocean.

Loch-ness monster:

Its sweetly called as Nessie. It’s a sea serpent that’s fond of attention. Many fishing in the loch-ness lake claim to have seen it.

The monster under the bed:

Monsters Of The Night

Most of us probably jumped onto the bed lest claws grab us from underneath after switching off the light in our bedroom. Well, you can now be a little brave because it’s more scared of you than you are of it.


Monsters Of The Night

It is the mischievous ghost that makes noise when you are asleep.

Slender Man:

Monsters Of The Night

The man who spread terror in the digital world. He’s basically faceless, wears a suit, and is of course slender. He is knowing for hunting down and abducting people.


Monsters Of The Night

Besides the Zombie, it’s the only creature that can be found worldwide. Usually takes a human form which it discards on a full moon night. It can only be killed with a silver bullet.


Monsters Of The Night

Aka undead is a cannibal and devours human brains.  In any case that a Zombie apocalypse occurs, be informed that the only way to kill it, is to destroy its brain or behead it.