And our race continued in this way, perfecting and honing the art of the wrong…
Monkeys are known to have a peculiar habit. They have the habit of stealing from each other, only to return the thing to its rightful owner when they get bored with it. And then they say, humans “evolved” from apes? Then how are they better than us? How did they learn to control their desires, whereas we became bottomless abysses for utterly insignificant things? We definitely have made some blunders at some point of time.
I believe that the realisation that we can look after ourselves without having to constantly care about everyone else is to blame for all of this. Since we learnt that we can be selfish, and as more and more people learned it, they developed jealousy, seeing others surpass them with the same knowledge that they possessed. And jealousy sparked malice, and crookedness to move forward faster than others. And this created an inequality in the distribution of wealth, resulting in the poor getting ever poorer, and the rich becoming wealthier.
And our race continued in this way, perfecting and honing the art of the wrong, and dragged more and more people with them, luring them with quick success, making them pawns in a much larger game, one in which the nobility is hardly ever seen. But these pawns influenced more and more people to do the same, as a means of escape. Escape from their poor quality of life, escape from their past, escape from everything that held them down like shackles. And they agreed, since every one of us is bound to pacify our inner craving for food, and in this cruel world, one would rather see you starve to death, than survive for free. In a bid to survive, these people took to petty thievery, robbery, and other crimes, in an attempt to even the scale that was now tipped beyond the point of no return.
When I learn that someone had tried to steal from anyone, or has tried to commit any other kind of crime that involves money, I don’t feel pity for the perpetrator, I don’t feel anger either, don’t blame their conditions for the way they have become, nor do I blame the society. I only feel sad, saddened by the way the human race has evolved, saddened by the realization that trust is slowly becoming something everyone must know but never practice, saddened by the fact that I and you may have contributed to all of it.