LPU student in Deakin University, Australia

LPU student in Deakin University, Australia


Lovish Kumar, a student in the engineering programme at Lovely Professional University (LPU), has set out on an incredible journey to continue his studies at Deakin University in Australia through the credit transfer programme while receiving a scholarship. As of 2021, Deakin University is ranked within the top one per cent of all universities in the world. One of the youngest universities in Australia, Deakin University is a public institution that dates back to its founding in 1974. The University of Deakin is committed to giving both undergraduate and graduate students flexible ways to learn. It does this by offering a wide range of programmes in many different fields.

“Learning a language and culture new to you while expanding your horizons academically and professionally is one of the many benefits of studying in a foreign country,” says Lovish Kumar, adding, “I would like to thank LPU and my faculties for providing me with this amazing opportunity.”

LPU provides students with a variety of possibilities, such as the semester exchange programme and the credit transfer programme, to assist them in realising their long-time desire to attend a university located in another country. Students have the opportunity to better themselves academically and professionally by studying in a foreign country. Over the past number of years, students of LPU have already made the most of this magnificent opportunity and are well on their way to realising their ambitions. Another member of the Verto community took advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get the education they’ve always wanted in a country other than their own.

LPU has always encouraged its students to put in a lot of effort, and it has always helped its students prepare for the future. LPU has a long history of working toward the improvement of its student body and assisting its pupils in realising their aspirations. The entire LPU family extends its warmest congratulations to Lovish and best wishes to him in all of his future endeavours. The dedication and hard work that he has displayed during this process has finally paid off, but this is only the beginning.