Many a time I have felt the need to understand how TGPA and CGPA are calculated. Although apps are available in the playstore by the name of Verto and LPU Marks Calculator, they are best to calculate the average of CAs, Midterms and Attendance. They let you know how many marks you require to pass an end term exam. TGPA can also be calculated using the app. However, it’s best to understand the methodology.

TGPA stands for Term Grade Point Average and is calculated for the pursuing semester. For calculating the TGPA, Grade points and credits go hand in hand. Credit is the weightage assigned to each subject depending upon the number of lectures, tutorials, and practicals assigned to it. They are reflected in the timetable. While the grade points, as the name suggests, are the points assigned to the grade you receive in that subject.

To note, LPU follows a relative grading system. It means that you will be graded according to the highest marks obtained by a student in your school. Points are assigned to each grade as follows:

O 10
A+ 9
A 8
B+ 7
B 6
C 5
D 4
E (Reappear) 0
F (Fail) 0
G (Backlog) 0
I (Result Incomplete) 0

TGPA calculation is an estimation. You’d have to guess your grade beforehand. For example, consider that I have 3 subjects this semester. Each subject has a credit of 3, 3 and, 1 respectively. I estimate that I’ll receive an O, B and A+ in each subject respectively in the term exam.

The formula is to multiply the estimated grade point with the credit for that subject, wholly divided by total credit.

TGPA for term 1 = 10×3+6×3+9×1/3+3+1 = 8.14

Similarly for term 2, each subject has a credit of 3, 5 and, 1 respectively. I estimate that I’ll receive a C, B+ and D in each subject respectively in the term exam.

TGPA for term 2 = 3×5+5×7+1×4/3+5+1 = 6

As for the CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average), it is calculated as:

CGPA till term 2 = 10×3+6×3+9×1+3×5+5×7+1×4/3+3+1+3+5+1 = 6.93

Please note: CGPA is not average of TGPA.