LPU lifted Overall Runner-up Trophy of 36th All India National Youth Festival...

LPU lifted Overall Runner-up Trophy of 36th All India National Youth Festival in Karnataka


* LPU students won a large haul of 22 Medals along with 5 overall and runner-up trophies in different genres

Under the aegis of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), 36th All India Inter-University National Youth Festival was held in Karnataka, where Lovely Professional University (LPU) lifted the overall runner-up trophy.

Cumulatively and individually, LPU students won 9 gold, 8 silver, 5 bronze medals in different competitions. Thus, they grabbed 3 ‘Overall trophies in the category of music, fine arts, and for contingents’ procession; and, 2 Runner-up trophies for theatre and literary presentations.

For winnings, LPU teams competed against 900+ Universities and 40k+ Colleges of India, from which only 124 institutions could reach in national competitions. The five-day festival was hosted by JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) up to 28th February 2023.

Congratulating all at LPU, Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal marked it a moment of pride and honour for the university. Mrs Mittal also added that LPU always forwards an exceptional arena for its students to make them imbibe enhanced learning experience in diverse domains as per their individual talent and passion.  Moreover, the vivacious culture of diversity also makes LPU students lead others in related activities. As such, they always stand preferred and victorious wherever they participate and perform.