Wright Brothers’ Day


Every year on 17th December, in the United States, Wright Brothers Day is celebrated to commemorate the Wright brother’s first successfully launched, mechanically propelled flight, near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It is not a federal public holiday but is observed largely as a memorial for the Wright Brothers.

Orville and his brother Wilbur are credited for building the first successful airplane with aircraft controls that helped steer the plane. Their first flight – Flyer made its maiden flight for about 12 seconds and ascended to a height of 120 feet. This took place near the Wright Brothers’ National Memorial in North Carolina. So 1903 day became the reason for the modern day air services we enjoy now. They were not the first to fly and build an experimental aircraft. It is a fact that very few people know that the Wright brothers were the first people to invent controls for fixed wing flight and this paved the way for modern day aeronautics. Their accomplishment can be seen in posters, stamps, flyers and other memorabilia.

Every year the United States’ President makes an invitation to all the Americans to gather and observe Wright Brothers Day with appropriate activities and ceremonies which include an annual dinner where Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy is awarded and various celebrations are observed at Kitty Hawk, Ohio, which is the place they were born. Children are taken to aviation centres and museums where they participate in various activities and learn the Wright brothers opened doors for future flight advancements.

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Wandering wordsmith fascinated by my fellow journeyers. I’m a journalist, avid reader, photographer and food fanatic who came to love guitar strings and city streets in India and found comfort in the mindfulness of thoughts and dreams.